
Storm Akima Full Reactions Free

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Toy Story 3 (2010) takes place about 10 years after the second film; Andy—now almost 18—is getting ready for college, and the plot follows the adventures of Andy's childhood toys as they're accidentally donated to a preschool/daycare center for a new generation of kids to enjoy, much to the toys' dismay.It is in this film that the Myth Arc of the series - which concerns the life of a toy.

So much had seemed to happen all at once. The Holy Sword was moving into action, and you were either with, or against them, it seemed. Unfortunately for the Jarl, he seemed one of the few who was a member of the latter. And with that, came a multitude of consequences. After the massacre of Nal Sur, Matthis had made the decision to have House Roann secede from the Council of Axes, and was in the process of declaring his province the new safe haven for the Magi who still remained in Nal Akima. While he was well aware that much of this would not roll over so smoothly, he was doing his best to maintain the relationships between the other clans and villages that his province relied on for trade.

And that was precisely what he was doing today.It was about a three days ride to Fort Redwolf from Roakrest, and that was with weather on your side. Nal Akima was dangerous territory on weather alone, not to mention the dire wolves, bears, trolls, and other beasts that roamed the tundra.

Luckily for him, though, Matthis was born in this unforgiving place, and he knew the ways to travel the land with at least some sort of safety. However, despite his survival skills, he couldn’t name a single thing aside from courage that would prepare him for meeting with the Lady and Chieftain of the fortress. He had met the woman before, on multiple occasions, and had built up a repore enough to keep his province in good standing with her and her people.

However, Alexandra Redwolf was a follower of the Holy Sword, and with Matthis in the midst of making himself a likely new foe to their organization, he felt their meeting today would likely be unpredictable. Still, though, this meeting was for his people.

The relationship between the two had been a benefit to both of their people, and despite their differences, Matthis had hoped to keep trade between their cities open, leaving their differences to the side for the greater good of their people.A light snowfall spread across the countryside as the fortress came into view for the Jarl and his caravan. He had brought with him 4 of his most trusted allies within the Roannsguard, his personal retinue. Matthis had sent a letter previously to let them know to expect his arrival, and upon reaching the gates to the fortress, the Jarl would hop off of his horse to address the guard who stood watch.“ Matthis Roann, of Vestkystenhold. Your Chieftain should be expecting me.” He said firmly, standing his ground against what hostilities may have been present.

One thing stood out from more than anything, and that was the scent of a wolf. Almost the entirety of the clan had been given the Gift.

Whereas in other places throughout Nal Akima where some clans only had a couple or none at all, the Redwolves were famous for initiating anyone who wished for the power. This close to the peaks of Nalak, it was dangerous to brave the weather without some sort of strength in you. The werewolf gene brought out that inner strength and with it the people of the Redwolf clan stood a chance. This was one of the reasons their fort had survived the harsh winters. Most establishments in Nal Akima were torn down from the blizzards. There were a few exceptions as the more popular cities of their country lived far enough away from the mountain. They had less to contend with in terms of weather.There were only so many places the clans of Nal Akima could hold council together and Fort Redwolf was such a location.

Having braved the climate for over four hundred years, it stood the best and safest place for the Council of Axes to meet. So the clansmen inside were used to folks coming and going within their walls. But Matthis Roann would find today that things were very different. There were guards stationed at every entrance as well as atop of the walls. He even spotted some strolling the grounds outside the fortress.

This was very unlike the Redwolves. The reason was likely to blame from the recent uprising of the Holy Swords. As Alexandra Redwolf -the leader of the Redwolf clan- was Clovis Lighthawk's second in command, it would make sense she would want to protect her home too.But that is to say he wasn't welcomed when approaching the guards. Recognizing him by name before he even had to address himself they would start to open the doors and bid him passage. They bowed their heads in greeting, a slightly different greeting than they might give to a fellow werewolf. This act was a bowing of the head as well as turning it slightly to the side as if to expose the neck.

At the same time, the person bowing would pull back their hair in one gracious stroke. It resembled the way a wolf would submit to an alpha, though in terms of humans it was slightly different. This secret gesture between wolves was really only reserved for them, but it was obvious enough for anyone to pick up on it should they so choose.Inside the stone walls of the fort were normally stalls and stables for just about everyday activities. A blacksmith's hearth would be burning gently to keep warm. Children might be playing in the courtyard. But not today.

Like the outside, the insides were every different from what Mathis would remember. Now the stalls were full of weapons; the stables lined with combat-ready mounts. Winter coats -pelts and that sort of thing- were stacked on carriages along with provisions and supplies. The blacksmith wasn't just working, he had apprentices and other blacksmith masters working side by side to make the process put out more materials. Fort Redwolf looked ready to go to war.Moving further into the fortress would be less daunting, but the impact and general feel of the place still was tense. The people were either nervous for some unseen battle, or excited to test their mettle. There was no in between.

As most of the clan was Gifted, they were excited to stretch their legs and run free, while also hunting down their prey and sicking their teeth into them. Was this the effect Lighthawk had on his people? That the truly believed they were in the right so badly they couldn't wait to go out and kill again?

It was maddening, sure. But, they were on a holy mission. This made everything that much more important to fulfill. And there was no greater mindset than thinking what you were doing was for the greater good.' To his left would be a large staircase leading up higher into the fort where currently Alexandra Redwolf was descending.

The redhead was wearing a deep black outfit that seemed to be made of feathers. The outfit had a lovely ' V' cut in the top which showed off her signature chain necklace which she never took off. The necklace was designed to stretch out with the chain through the loop and catch near the end. This was so when she went into her werewolf form, the necklace would adjust to her size. It was genius really, but more specifically a gift from her mother. The dress however was a gift from Lighthawk who's clan symbol was a raven.'

I trust your journey was well? It has been nearly a week since the last storm and I can't help but think the gods are acknowledging the good work put in by our people.' She was of course referring to the Purge of Nal Sur, Nal Akima's most popular port. As she approached him she gave him a kind smile but kept her hands at her sides where he would note on her belt was a with her clan's symbol on the hilt. A wooden sword wouldn't do much in battle, so was it just for decoration.or was there some other purpose? A tension began to build up inside him as Matthis walked the grounds of the fortress. The unfamiliar stir of it’s residents seemed to put him on a bit of an edge.

His expression seemed to darken slightly, the evidence of the wheels of war forming all around him. He was no stranger to the effects that Clovis Lighthawk seemed to have on people, but what he was now responsible for was simply something the Jarl could not stand behind.

The being said, there was no denying the man’s ability to lead. He knew that the effects of the myst have always been frowned upon by the people of Nal Akima, but with Clovis and his Holy Sword, there was a true force behind that distaste, and the results were undeniable.Eventually, Matthis and his retinue would find themselves inside the main fortress. He tried to focus his mind to the task at hand, taking in a deep breath to calm himself. He was here with purpose, and although many thoughts of his personal viewpoints on the holy conquest, as it where, it was not time to express them.As his group waited in the main chambers of the fortress, he would turn after hearing a familiar voice call out to him. Forcing a smile, he would meet Lexi’s eyes, bowing slightly in respect to the woman as she made her decent to meet him. “ I appreciate your concern,” he started, “ and yes, our travels were pleasantly unencumbered.” While he was happy to see her, Matthis would be forced to swallow his pride as the woman referenced the tragedy of Nal Sur. Countless people would agree with her, that their actions were “good work” in the eyes of the gods, though Matthis seemed all but alone on his front.

As much as he wanted to, he did not comment on the statement. He knew his place, and now was not the time to talk down to the right hand of Clovis Lighthawk.“ It’s good to see you Lexi. You look well.” He offered a friendly smile to her, before turning slightly to his Roannsguard and back again to the Redwolf Chieftain. “ So,” Matthis started, clearing his throat. “ If it would be alright with you, I’d like to request some food and shelter for the night for my men.

As I’m sure you’re aware, it is quite a journey from here to Roarksrest, and I need to get back as soon as we finish our business here. Perhaps, we can talk somewhere more privately in the meantime?” Matthis crossed his arms in front of him, one hand over the other as he spoke. ' Excellent,' she'd reply to his good fortunes. ' I am pleased to hear this.' Matthis would compliment her saying that she looked well and that he was happy to see her, to which she'd reply back with a simple, ' Likewise.'

He then went to business and asked for food and shelter for his men. And he was quite formal about it. Lexi understood that. As a leader there was always the need to appear in your best behavior. It was one of the small things Lexi actually hated about her life sometimes. Always being in control. Such a headache.'

Oh but of course!' Lexi replied with a smile. ' We already have beds made up for your arrival and the kitchen has been made aware you would be arriving. Though I do admit there is not as much of a welcome as we might normally be able to provide.

I trust you understand. Much of our hospitality and supplies have been going towards the war effort. But we will still make your men feel right at home. Please, one of my men will show you around.' Lexi flagged one of the werewolves to guide them about and then she forgot all about them. Instead she turned to Matthis to address his next comment. I'm sure there is much to discuss.'

She would then start to motion for him to follow as she walked behind his men to a different room to the East as they went North. ' I have a small waiting room prepared so we won't be bothered.'

The room down the hall was one of the several large rooms meant for families and the like to sit and be at home whilst waiting for the many things Fort Redwolf offered them. More often than not these rooms were used for travelling clans who wished to stay together before heading into the dinning room where the entirety of the fort would feast. Lext walked into the room and let Matthis follow before closing both of the wooden doors behind him, and then moving to the side of the room to close that one. Now they were alone.' So tell me Matthis.

I'm just curious. What brought you to me? You know Clovis has been the one leading much of the politics. Surely you don't hope to change my mind do you?' A small smile grew across Matthis’s face as his men were led down the hall. While he was unsure about exactly what grounds the two stood on in the particular moment, he was at least relieved that Lexi was showing her respect and hospitality. As she turned to lead them down the hall to the respective meeting room, Matthis couldn’t help but notice the subtle sway of the young woman’s hips.

For a moment, his mind drifted away from business, bringing up more primal thoughts of lust. She was a beautiful young woman, for sure, but he quickly reminded himself that he was here for business. And needless to say, any further thoughts of that kind would more than likely end poorly for him.After arriving at the chamber, Lexi began to speak about Clovis, to which the jarl offered a small chuckle. “ Not exactly.” He started, turning to meet the chieftain's gaze.

“ As much as I might love to express my point of view, and convince you to be my ally, I know this is not the time.” Matthis took a seat at one of the tables central to the room. His head swivelled around, as he made note that the two of them were indeed alone. Main trains of thought ran through his head before he focused back on the woman, but there was only one reason he was here today, and made his best efforts to keep that focus in mind. “ As I’m sure you well know, I am in the process of offering refuge to the few survivors of the incident at Nal Sul. I know you are aiding the Holy Sword, and as much as I would love to have you at my side at this time, as I said, I am not here to change your mind.” Matthis took in and let out a deep but quick breath, turning his gaze away from the werewolf.“ I am here for my people, Lexi.” He rotated himself to sit a bit more comfortably in the chair, refocusing his gaze to the young woman. “ Your House and mine have been allies for quite some time. And while we may be on opposite ends of the events to come, I wanted to make my best efforts in maintaining that alliance for our people.

The trade between us is mutually beneficial, and I wanted to ensure that no matter what future events might come between us, that we can maintain our alliance outside of the forming sides of our nation.” The Jarl paused for a moment, giving Lexi time to think about his offer. While she contemplated his words, Matthis pulled from his cloak a scroll, sealed with the Roann Lion insignia. He offered the scroll to Lexi, and would explain its contents as she looked it over. “ A contract of peace.” He started, looking up to the woman.“ Fancy word play aside, that contract simply states that even through times of war and conflict, that our trade routes will remain open between our two cities, and be under a diplomatic immunity of sorts for the betterment of our people.

Now, it goes without saying that I would like to keep Clovis out of this, keeping the contract between the two of us. That being said, I am by no means a fool, and I can’t stop you from sharing this with him. Nor could I stop you from using this as a means to infiltrate Roarksrest in the future.

However, if Honor means anything to you, I would hope that if you agree to this contract that it won’t have to come to that. Please, take all the time you need to think it over.

And perhaps, in the meantime, we might sit together as friends. Food, drink, and merriment.” Matthis offered the young woman a sincere smile, truly hoping she would agree to his request, or at least take some time to think it over. But, aside from all that, Matthis would enjoy the woman’s company if she allowed it.

Though he did not know Lexi too well outside of politics, he had hoped to at least enjoy a friendly evening with her before making his trip back home. Lexi appreciated the fact that Matthis understood she would not change her stance on the matter of the Holy Swords. Arguing with him over it would be a waste of both of their time and he'd leave disappointed and likely on her bad side. Stepping over that obstacle was already a sign that this conversation would have some merit to it.

Her friend would move to sit and she would follow to take a seat opposite him. As she sat she crossed her legs and sat upright against the frame to better hold her posture. It also gave him a perfect chance to stare at her.lovely v-neck cut in her dress; to which she would not be surprised if she lost his eyes in them more than once.Matthis would mention offering refuge to the survivors and she chimed in after he finished, ' I hope you're not intending on allowing Magi into your walls, Matthis. You should now how we feel about that.' He'd respond by saying he was in his position of power to help serve his people.

Then, go on to remind her that their Houses have always been allies. Now Mitthis' goal had come to light: he wanted her word that she would not attack him. No matter how fancy he dressed up his words, he was afraid. Afraid of losing his position. He could argue that he only wanted to protect the people. But Lexi knew a leader was greedy, just like she was greedy.

No one in power would risk losing it. It was practically law.While she took a moment to carefully consider what words she would use the man brought out a scroll and handed it to her. She bent forward to reach for it -dipping her chest down in the process- then sat back up in her chair. Her eyes explored the seal as her thumb ran over the top gently. This contract was dangerous.

She'd really need to go over every word, every line. She never expected Matthis to betray her, but he was a cunning one. If he put her in a position that forbade her from acting against him, she'd never hear the end of it from her peers. From Clovis especially. She would absolutely be making contact with him tonight.As she debated cracking it open right then and there, Matthis explained the reasoning in the words.

He of course wanted protection from her, and by default the Holy Swords. He was smart. Most of the Swords were made up by her clan. Her werewolves were young and ambitious, eager to please the cause. Lexi set the scroll down on the table next to her (unopened) and folded her hands in her lap.' We have always been friends, Matthis.

This will not change. No matter the outcome of this war. But that does not mean I won't respect you should you become a threat either.

I support you initiative to safeguard the citizens of Nal Akima. But do so with caution. You know the danger these Magi can have.

The Storms are only getting worse with each season. How long until they reach further down the mountain? How long until they reach your borders? Roakrest will not survive the harsh winters as Fort Redwolf can; it simply isn't built to withstand the dangers.

We as honorable warriors need to rid Avsolom of Magi so protect humanity, starting with Nal Sur.' So let me make this perfectly clear, Matthis,' Clara leaned forward and had a rather dark look in her eyes. ' If we find out you are offering sanctuary to Magi, the Holy Swords will come down on you without mercy.' She'd then stand up and smile at him, offering him her hand to join her, ' Now. Let's get you some food, yeah? Bio bot darkorbit.

No more talk of betrayal and backstabbing.' Matthis could feel the weight of their conversation fall heavy on his shoulders as Lexi spoke. While part of him already knew her answer would be as such, there was another piece of him that felt more hopeful for the future in her words. As she said, they had been friends for quite some time now, and their alliance served to benefit them both. He felt Lexi knew his intentions were to provide safety for the Magi of Nal Sur, and Nal Akima as a whole, but the way everything was phrased did make him feel as though he would be allowed time to actually make this all happen.The man did his best to put off his feelings on the subject, hoping that the words he chose would do him justice for the time being. “ Well, I can assure you my intentions are pure.

Magi can indeed be dangerous. I only wish to provide safety for those who cannot provide it for themselves, and keep the casualties of the innocent to a minimum.” He chose his words carefully, trying to lean more to the idea of offering shelter for ordinary citizens, rather than Magi. But, the Jarl knew that eventually, she and Clovis would find out his long term goals. He just hoped that he would be able to make all his arrangements before the Holy Sword found out about his plan.Matthis put a smile on her face as Lexi began to speak in more friendly terms, and he agreed with her, putting off his unpleasant thoughts about what the future could hold. “ I couldn’t agree more,” He said, beginning to make his way for the door. “ I actually brought you a gift, if you would take it.

It will go wonderfully with dinner, I think.” He said with a humble grin. “ I believe I left it with Jarvin, my guard captain. I remember you were particularly fond of my father’s favorite wine last I saw you. So I brought a bottle just for the occasion. I don’t know about you, but I could use some dine drink after the journey here.”The Jarl did his best to keep a pleasant face, and was quickly reminded that the relationship he had with Lexi had always been a pleasant one. Their two houses did have a lot of history, and it was always a pleasure to spend time with her.

For now, he kept his thoughts of the future aside, and allowed himself to stay present in the moment. Good wine, good food, and good friends did always seem to make him feel better.Matthis made a short detour, making sure to grab the bottle of wine he intended to give Lexi before meeting her in the feasting hall of the fort.

After doing so, his companions followed him down the halls of the castle, and eventually made their way to the large hal, already set up with plenty of food and drink for the lot of them. He smiled, looking around, seeing many cheering faces, however there was still a bit of unrest between the werewolves who called this place their home.

He was sure most of them still felt the rush of battle fading from their systems as they wound down for a meal, but Matthis tried not to pay too much attention to it. For now, he would simply enjoy his time in the Fort, and he wanted his men to do the same. As he approached the head table, he saw Lexi already took her seat and waited for him. He pulled the bottle, presenting it to her with a grin on his face as he took his seat beside her. “ I hope this one is as good as you remember. I can never be too sure about the differences in batches, but in the end, it is still a warm drink to fill the belly.” Matthis pulled a small knife from his boot, popping out the quark to fill Lexi’s goblet before his own. “ And again, I do appreciate you meeting with me.

It’s been far too long since we’ve been able to share a drink.” He clinked his glass with hers, taking a small sip of deep red liquid before turning to his plate. She asked with a curious smile. ' My my how thoughtful of you.' Hearing their family's wine got Lexi's hopes up.

She did remember the sweet and welcoming taste of the flavor. She could already taste it in her mouth, getting ready to sample it. She'd escort him to where the men would be bunking and retrieved the bottle and then the lot of them would head back down for supper. As she walked past her men, they would bow to her in their special way as those who'd welcomed him from outside (turning their heads and pulling their hair back in one graceful stroke). Lexi would smile at them and ever so gently tip her head in their direction to acknowledge them; she would not actually bow for she was the strongest.The Redwolf chieftain would sit and Matthis would come to sit beside her. He offered her the bottle which she took with delight. She looked at the wrapping in the custom label, admiring the craftsmanship of their crest.

Looking back up she noticed him taking out a small knife to which she'd return the bottle and wait for a drink to be poured. Matthis filled both of their goblets up with the red wine before giving one to Lexi and one to himself. The redhead took hers and brought it to her nose to smell the intoxicating aroma. Just as wonderful as she remembered.' That it has,' she agreed while clinking her glass to his in toast. ' To old friendships.'

Lexi then took a small sip of the wine to savor the taste. It always amazed her how a liquid could taste dry.

The very idea made no sense but sure enough wine made it possible. It had a lovely taste of cheese which also made no sense to her because they'd been made of fermented grapes. But if there was one thing this redhead loved it was her cheeses. Out in the mountains it was rare to get dairy products since they couldn't be stored for long periods. Not without magic, and everyone knew how they felt about that.Meat however was everywhere. The table was filled with poultry and all sorts of red meats.

Each one grilled in such a way to really pair with the best taste. Though such a thing was a matter of perspective. Looking around the outsiders would notice a lack of elegancy instead having rather barbaric mannerisms when it came to how they ate. They had no need to stand on principle or need to impress, so why waste time with silverware?

Lexi however was the exception. She ate with grace and posture that one might expect from the Empire's nobles.

This was how she was expected to act. She was the leader. And while she could go against every rule of how a lady was supposed to act, it gave her the impression she was not at all barbaric.

This gave her clan more respect. As they made their way down the hall, Matthis took note of the way the wolfen guard would bow to their leader. It was an interesting display, revealing the vitals to their alpha, similar to the way a dog would roll on their back to reveal the stomachs. He raised his brow, thinking to himself ‘ They’re being submissive.’ Either that, or it was simply a part of their culture he didn’t quite understand.Regardless, the Jarl didn’t pay much more attention to the thought as the group made their way to the main feasting hall. After readying the bottle, he would happily toast with Lexi, “ To ever growing bonds.” He tacked on. Matthis chuckled to himself slightly as he looked around at the display of food and drink that had been laid out before them.

Though he was sure his men didn’t mind the lack of silverware, or if they’d even noticed, it was a small thing Matthis seemed to have forgotten since his last time in the fort. Lexi, on the other hand, seemed to be the only one in the room who had any table manners. Was it another display of dominance amongst her tribe? The way she postured herself was definitely a tier above the way the rest of the room acted. Again, though, Matthis would simply tuck the information away, labeling it in his mind as another piece of the Redwolf culture.The food was delicious as he bit into it. Simple, seeming to only be seasoned with cracked pepper and salt, though the meat had been prepared incredibly well. To no surprise at all, the meat was quite rare, though that was much to his liking.

It paired wonderfully with the wine he had brought, he thought to himself as he took a sip. Though, after a short while, he turned his focus back to the chieftain with a slight smile on his face. “ If you don’t mind me asking, Lexi,” he started, “ Where do you think Clovis will lead the Holy Sword next, now that Nal Sur has been Dealt with?” He paused before finishing, thinking of how to phrase the thought better than what was coursing through his mind.Though Matthis seemed to be one of the only souls in Nal Akima who was in contrast with Clovis and his Holy Sword, there was some admiration to be had for the man and his qualities. Clovis was a natural leader, to be certain, and the charisma he had was, if nothing else, magnetic. In his mind, he was even beginning to look at Clovis as somewhat of a rival, in terms of leadership. Though it might have sounded petty or foolish if said aloud, Matthis did feel a sense of competitiveness when it came to Lighthawk.

Matthis just believed himself to be the opposition.“ I would love to see the way your tribe works in battle.” Matthis started again, trying to play more to his admiration for the werewolves, rather than to figure out what was next in store for her organization. “ Though I’m sure it wouldn’t stray too far from a pack of wild wolves, I would like to think that your tribe might have a bit more refinement.” It was true, he had always wanted to see the way werewolves would work together.

Of course many of Nal Akima had heard the horror stories of single werewolves tearing apart helpless travelers, and the like. That being said, Matthis could help but form an interest in a group specialized in battle.

Truly a group or werewolves as large as the Redwolf tribe, all of whom worked together as a cohesive unit. Well, that was sure to strike fear into anyone who was on the wrong end of that fight. Lexi cut into her food and worked through her meal while occasionally taking long sips of the wine.

She certainly wasn't holding back on saving any for later. Matthis would draw her back into conversation some bites later by asking where the Holy Swords might be moving next. She put another small bite of chicken in her mouth by fork and chewed it slowly while she thought about how best to answer his question. Since he wasn't a member of their ranks it was dangerous to go giving out that information.

He very well could let something slip and she lead the Swords into a trap. Or, worst case scenario Matthis does it intentionally.But she had no reason not to trust. Just how much was the question. She figured everyone in Nal Akima was against Magi, but he made it clear he wouldn't join in their ways.

Could he really stoop so low as to sabotage his own people though? Turn traitor to their country? Matthis was many things, but he was no traitor. After she swallowed she'd pat her lips with her napkin and then turn to face his direction.' For now we are content with weeding out the rest of the country from the Magi threat. But I know eventually we will move to the Empire.

They are the biggest threat. It won't be easy, but if we can get enough of the common folk to side with us -they hate their Emperor enough as it is- then I see no reason why we can't change this world for the better.' She smirked and looked around for a second before turning back. ' Plus, we've had some.conversations with a certain ally right now. A common enemy against the Empire.

With their knowledge and inner workings we'll be able to really make a dent in the Empire's control.' What Lexi was not telling him was that plans were already in motion. Shortly after Nal Sur had been seized, a new threat came to surround the city. The same threat that was currently in war with the Empire. No one except those who were at Nal Sur knew that Clovis had begun negotiations with their people to form an alliance.

It was their little secret, one that Lexi would not share with Matthis. With the help of the Dwarven tunnels they had access to all of West Avsolom. Big changes were coming.Matthis would then continue on by saying he'd love to see the way her tribe hunted. This made the redhead chieftain smile. She looked away from him and back over her people as she spoke.

' Yes they are quite something. Wolves are amazing hunters as is. Giving them human brains on top of their natural instinct is a recipe for perfection. We've never really fought in any actual war against the humans. But each and every one of my tribesman are itching to prove themselves.' Matthis turned his attention from Lexi, following her gaze out to her people.

The itching she spoke of was more than clear to him as soon as he had entered the fort. Many of her people seemed on edge, and what he commonly referred to as the “thrill of battle” was clearly taking a hold of her people.The first bit of what she said really seemed to catch his attention. ‘ Moving to the empire?’ He thought to himself.

Now that was a bold move, to be sure. The world was full of Magi, and the Empire seemed to be the center of it, that was certain. As far as their new ally, though, Matthis didn’t even know where to begin.

He took in a deep breath as he pondered the idea, taking another few sips of wine, in between bites of chicken and beef alike.Before too long, he realized the two of them had nearly finished their glasses, and Matthis was quite full from the concentration of meats. With a smirk on his face, Matthis offered to refill both of their glasses, turning to Lexi with a somewhat devilish look on his face. “ You know, Lexi, it will probably be quite some time until I make my way out here again, so what do you say to a little drinking game to pass the time? Good laughs, good drink, and good friends seem to be all too scarce in my day to day routine.” Matthis took another quick sip of wine before standing and taking a step away from his seat.

“ Give me just a moment, I’ll be right back”With a smile on his face, Matthis left the dining hall to quickly return with a rather large bottle of a strange, almost golden liquid. “ This is called Dragon’s Tears,” he said, taking his seat back next to the woman. “ I honestly forgot I had it, forgot to unpack the thing from the wagon last I travelled. It’s supposed to be some of the finest whisky crafted. While I can’t say anything to that point, I do know that the man who made this loves his drink, so I’m sure it’s good.”Matthis grabbed a few empty glasses from the other side of the table, quickly filling them with a double shot of the drink, before requarking the bottle and setting it between the two of them. “ You’ve played two truths and a lie, I hope?” He asked, raising his brow slightly, smirk still ripe on his face.

With a happy smirk the redhead would accept her now third goblet of wine, emptying the bottle. It was quite apparent already that her cheeks and her chest were flushed from the alcohol, but as far as behavior went, she seemed just as sober as when she'd started. Matthis had a way to change that.

Offering her a drinking game, she raised her eyebrow to him and pursed her lips.' A drinking game?

Why that sounds dangerous. You sure you want to gamble like that? A werewolf's blood is much more sturdy than a human's.

We can hold our liquor far better. You up to the challenge?' It seemed her long time friend was up to giving it a try as he'd come back a few minutes later with a bottle of gleaming golden juice. Lexi took it from him and brought it up to her eyes while holding it to the light of the fire. Dragon's Tears, he'd called it.

She could honestly believe it with how gold the liquid was. She'd never seen a dragon in person, so she didn't have the slightest clue as to what color their tears really were. But something as majestic as that only made sense.Her friend poured a shot glass for the both of them and she inspected it like a small fascinated child.

' Oh so it is a game game. Hear I figured you wanted to go shot for shot. Alright, Mithy, I'll play your game.

How does it work?' Matthis laughed a bit at her boast, “ Don’t think werewolves are the only ones able to hold their liquor, drink runs in my families blood too. Matter of fact, I think it quite literally did in my father’s case.” He laughed in jest.The Jarl grabbed the glass he filled for himself as he began to explain the rules of the game. “ It’s quite simple really. One person starts by saying three statements about themselves, in which two of them are true, and one is a lie.

The other person has to guess which statement is the lie. If you guess correctly, the other person drinks, and if you get it wrong, you drink. And then we switch.” It was simple enough. A game Matthis had often played during his time as a soldier, a sort of “get to know you” type game to build comradery amongst his men.He took a sip of his drink, closing his eyes and letting out a small breath as the warm liquid trickled down the back of his throat. A smile began to grow as the familiar burning sensation took its effect. They had already had a bottle of wine between them, but the golden whisky was surely a step above. It tasted wonderfully, with a mixture of rustic oak, and a hint of mint and lavender.

While it made for a curious combination in a whisky, he could not deny that it had a wonderful effect on his pallet. He reopened his eyes after his mind came back, looking to Lexi with an almost devilish grin.“ I’ll start.” He said, wrapping his hand around the glass. He adjusted himself in his seat, getting himself a bit more comfortable before he started. “ I have never broken a promise, I cannot stand horses, and I have never swam in the ocean.” Matthis tilted his head slightly, swirling the liquid around in its container, nodding his chin to Lexi as she thought of which part he had said was a lie.

While Mathhis explained the rules of his game, Alexandra would take another slow sip of her wine. Her blue eyes examined his hands and the bottle while he poured them both a shot. They'd then shift up to look him in the eyes as he spoke, showing him her full attention. The rules were simple enough.

Lie for your turn, bluff through the truths. Then guess your opponents bluff. Loser drinks. She could see how this would be a quick way to get drunk.

The hardest part (she already expected) would be coming up with enough truths and lies to use. And Matthis had experience playing. She did not.Lexi would then finish what was left in her glass as Matthis set out his three statements. He'd never broken a promise.

He couldn't stand horses. And he'd never swam in the ocean. It was obvious of course. The ocean surrounded their home and he lived in a much warmer part of Nal Akima. Naturally he'd have gone in at least once. Now a promise was hard to guess which way he might fall, but Alexandra had a feeling someone as noble and proud as Matthis would make sure to always uphold his promises.' Your lie is the horses.

After all you rode in on them.

  • 30 Mar 2018

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Toy Story 3 (2010) takes place about 10 years after the second film; Andy—now almost 18—is getting ready for college, and the plot follows the adventures of Andy's childhood toys as they're accidentally donated to a preschool/daycare center for a new generation of kids to enjoy, much to the toys' dismay.It is in this film that the Myth Arc of the series - which concerns the life of a toy.

So much had seemed to happen all at once. The Holy Sword was moving into action, and you were either with, or against them, it seemed. Unfortunately for the Jarl, he seemed one of the few who was a member of the latter. And with that, came a multitude of consequences. After the massacre of Nal Sur, Matthis had made the decision to have House Roann secede from the Council of Axes, and was in the process of declaring his province the new safe haven for the Magi who still remained in Nal Akima. While he was well aware that much of this would not roll over so smoothly, he was doing his best to maintain the relationships between the other clans and villages that his province relied on for trade.

And that was precisely what he was doing today.It was about a three days ride to Fort Redwolf from Roakrest, and that was with weather on your side. Nal Akima was dangerous territory on weather alone, not to mention the dire wolves, bears, trolls, and other beasts that roamed the tundra.

Luckily for him, though, Matthis was born in this unforgiving place, and he knew the ways to travel the land with at least some sort of safety. However, despite his survival skills, he couldn’t name a single thing aside from courage that would prepare him for meeting with the Lady and Chieftain of the fortress. He had met the woman before, on multiple occasions, and had built up a repore enough to keep his province in good standing with her and her people.

However, Alexandra Redwolf was a follower of the Holy Sword, and with Matthis in the midst of making himself a likely new foe to their organization, he felt their meeting today would likely be unpredictable. Still, though, this meeting was for his people.

The relationship between the two had been a benefit to both of their people, and despite their differences, Matthis had hoped to keep trade between their cities open, leaving their differences to the side for the greater good of their people.A light snowfall spread across the countryside as the fortress came into view for the Jarl and his caravan. He had brought with him 4 of his most trusted allies within the Roannsguard, his personal retinue. Matthis had sent a letter previously to let them know to expect his arrival, and upon reaching the gates to the fortress, the Jarl would hop off of his horse to address the guard who stood watch.“ Matthis Roann, of Vestkystenhold. Your Chieftain should be expecting me.” He said firmly, standing his ground against what hostilities may have been present.

One thing stood out from more than anything, and that was the scent of a wolf. Almost the entirety of the clan had been given the Gift.

Whereas in other places throughout Nal Akima where some clans only had a couple or none at all, the Redwolves were famous for initiating anyone who wished for the power. This close to the peaks of Nalak, it was dangerous to brave the weather without some sort of strength in you. The werewolf gene brought out that inner strength and with it the people of the Redwolf clan stood a chance. This was one of the reasons their fort had survived the harsh winters. Most establishments in Nal Akima were torn down from the blizzards. There were a few exceptions as the more popular cities of their country lived far enough away from the mountain. They had less to contend with in terms of weather.There were only so many places the clans of Nal Akima could hold council together and Fort Redwolf was such a location.

Having braved the climate for over four hundred years, it stood the best and safest place for the Council of Axes to meet. So the clansmen inside were used to folks coming and going within their walls. But Matthis Roann would find today that things were very different. There were guards stationed at every entrance as well as atop of the walls. He even spotted some strolling the grounds outside the fortress.

This was very unlike the Redwolves. The reason was likely to blame from the recent uprising of the Holy Swords. As Alexandra Redwolf -the leader of the Redwolf clan- was Clovis Lighthawk's second in command, it would make sense she would want to protect her home too.But that is to say he wasn't welcomed when approaching the guards. Recognizing him by name before he even had to address himself they would start to open the doors and bid him passage. They bowed their heads in greeting, a slightly different greeting than they might give to a fellow werewolf. This act was a bowing of the head as well as turning it slightly to the side as if to expose the neck.

At the same time, the person bowing would pull back their hair in one gracious stroke. It resembled the way a wolf would submit to an alpha, though in terms of humans it was slightly different. This secret gesture between wolves was really only reserved for them, but it was obvious enough for anyone to pick up on it should they so choose.Inside the stone walls of the fort were normally stalls and stables for just about everyday activities. A blacksmith's hearth would be burning gently to keep warm. Children might be playing in the courtyard. But not today.

Like the outside, the insides were every different from what Mathis would remember. Now the stalls were full of weapons; the stables lined with combat-ready mounts. Winter coats -pelts and that sort of thing- were stacked on carriages along with provisions and supplies. The blacksmith wasn't just working, he had apprentices and other blacksmith masters working side by side to make the process put out more materials. Fort Redwolf looked ready to go to war.Moving further into the fortress would be less daunting, but the impact and general feel of the place still was tense. The people were either nervous for some unseen battle, or excited to test their mettle. There was no in between.

As most of the clan was Gifted, they were excited to stretch their legs and run free, while also hunting down their prey and sicking their teeth into them. Was this the effect Lighthawk had on his people? That the truly believed they were in the right so badly they couldn't wait to go out and kill again?

It was maddening, sure. But, they were on a holy mission. This made everything that much more important to fulfill. And there was no greater mindset than thinking what you were doing was for the greater good.' To his left would be a large staircase leading up higher into the fort where currently Alexandra Redwolf was descending.

The redhead was wearing a deep black outfit that seemed to be made of feathers. The outfit had a lovely ' V' cut in the top which showed off her signature chain necklace which she never took off. The necklace was designed to stretch out with the chain through the loop and catch near the end. This was so when she went into her werewolf form, the necklace would adjust to her size. It was genius really, but more specifically a gift from her mother. The dress however was a gift from Lighthawk who's clan symbol was a raven.'

I trust your journey was well? It has been nearly a week since the last storm and I can't help but think the gods are acknowledging the good work put in by our people.' She was of course referring to the Purge of Nal Sur, Nal Akima's most popular port. As she approached him she gave him a kind smile but kept her hands at her sides where he would note on her belt was a with her clan's symbol on the hilt. A wooden sword wouldn't do much in battle, so was it just for decoration.or was there some other purpose? A tension began to build up inside him as Matthis walked the grounds of the fortress. The unfamiliar stir of it’s residents seemed to put him on a bit of an edge.

His expression seemed to darken slightly, the evidence of the wheels of war forming all around him. He was no stranger to the effects that Clovis Lighthawk seemed to have on people, but what he was now responsible for was simply something the Jarl could not stand behind.

The being said, there was no denying the man’s ability to lead. He knew that the effects of the myst have always been frowned upon by the people of Nal Akima, but with Clovis and his Holy Sword, there was a true force behind that distaste, and the results were undeniable.Eventually, Matthis and his retinue would find themselves inside the main fortress. He tried to focus his mind to the task at hand, taking in a deep breath to calm himself. He was here with purpose, and although many thoughts of his personal viewpoints on the holy conquest, as it where, it was not time to express them.As his group waited in the main chambers of the fortress, he would turn after hearing a familiar voice call out to him. Forcing a smile, he would meet Lexi’s eyes, bowing slightly in respect to the woman as she made her decent to meet him. “ I appreciate your concern,” he started, “ and yes, our travels were pleasantly unencumbered.” While he was happy to see her, Matthis would be forced to swallow his pride as the woman referenced the tragedy of Nal Sur. Countless people would agree with her, that their actions were “good work” in the eyes of the gods, though Matthis seemed all but alone on his front.

As much as he wanted to, he did not comment on the statement. He knew his place, and now was not the time to talk down to the right hand of Clovis Lighthawk.“ It’s good to see you Lexi. You look well.” He offered a friendly smile to her, before turning slightly to his Roannsguard and back again to the Redwolf Chieftain. “ So,” Matthis started, clearing his throat. “ If it would be alright with you, I’d like to request some food and shelter for the night for my men.

As I’m sure you’re aware, it is quite a journey from here to Roarksrest, and I need to get back as soon as we finish our business here. Perhaps, we can talk somewhere more privately in the meantime?” Matthis crossed his arms in front of him, one hand over the other as he spoke. ' Excellent,' she'd reply to his good fortunes. ' I am pleased to hear this.' Matthis would compliment her saying that she looked well and that he was happy to see her, to which she'd reply back with a simple, ' Likewise.'

He then went to business and asked for food and shelter for his men. And he was quite formal about it. Lexi understood that. As a leader there was always the need to appear in your best behavior. It was one of the small things Lexi actually hated about her life sometimes. Always being in control. Such a headache.'

Oh but of course!' Lexi replied with a smile. ' We already have beds made up for your arrival and the kitchen has been made aware you would be arriving. Though I do admit there is not as much of a welcome as we might normally be able to provide.

I trust you understand. Much of our hospitality and supplies have been going towards the war effort. But we will still make your men feel right at home. Please, one of my men will show you around.' Lexi flagged one of the werewolves to guide them about and then she forgot all about them. Instead she turned to Matthis to address his next comment. I'm sure there is much to discuss.'

She would then start to motion for him to follow as she walked behind his men to a different room to the East as they went North. ' I have a small waiting room prepared so we won't be bothered.'

The room down the hall was one of the several large rooms meant for families and the like to sit and be at home whilst waiting for the many things Fort Redwolf offered them. More often than not these rooms were used for travelling clans who wished to stay together before heading into the dinning room where the entirety of the fort would feast. Lext walked into the room and let Matthis follow before closing both of the wooden doors behind him, and then moving to the side of the room to close that one. Now they were alone.' So tell me Matthis.

I'm just curious. What brought you to me? You know Clovis has been the one leading much of the politics. Surely you don't hope to change my mind do you?' A small smile grew across Matthis’s face as his men were led down the hall. While he was unsure about exactly what grounds the two stood on in the particular moment, he was at least relieved that Lexi was showing her respect and hospitality. As she turned to lead them down the hall to the respective meeting room, Matthis couldn’t help but notice the subtle sway of the young woman’s hips.

For a moment, his mind drifted away from business, bringing up more primal thoughts of lust. She was a beautiful young woman, for sure, but he quickly reminded himself that he was here for business. And needless to say, any further thoughts of that kind would more than likely end poorly for him.After arriving at the chamber, Lexi began to speak about Clovis, to which the jarl offered a small chuckle. “ Not exactly.” He started, turning to meet the chieftain's gaze.

“ As much as I might love to express my point of view, and convince you to be my ally, I know this is not the time.” Matthis took a seat at one of the tables central to the room. His head swivelled around, as he made note that the two of them were indeed alone. Main trains of thought ran through his head before he focused back on the woman, but there was only one reason he was here today, and made his best efforts to keep that focus in mind. “ As I’m sure you well know, I am in the process of offering refuge to the few survivors of the incident at Nal Sul. I know you are aiding the Holy Sword, and as much as I would love to have you at my side at this time, as I said, I am not here to change your mind.” Matthis took in and let out a deep but quick breath, turning his gaze away from the werewolf.“ I am here for my people, Lexi.” He rotated himself to sit a bit more comfortably in the chair, refocusing his gaze to the young woman. “ Your House and mine have been allies for quite some time. And while we may be on opposite ends of the events to come, I wanted to make my best efforts in maintaining that alliance for our people.

The trade between us is mutually beneficial, and I wanted to ensure that no matter what future events might come between us, that we can maintain our alliance outside of the forming sides of our nation.” The Jarl paused for a moment, giving Lexi time to think about his offer. While she contemplated his words, Matthis pulled from his cloak a scroll, sealed with the Roann Lion insignia. He offered the scroll to Lexi, and would explain its contents as she looked it over. “ A contract of peace.” He started, looking up to the woman.“ Fancy word play aside, that contract simply states that even through times of war and conflict, that our trade routes will remain open between our two cities, and be under a diplomatic immunity of sorts for the betterment of our people.

Now, it goes without saying that I would like to keep Clovis out of this, keeping the contract between the two of us. That being said, I am by no means a fool, and I can’t stop you from sharing this with him. Nor could I stop you from using this as a means to infiltrate Roarksrest in the future.

However, if Honor means anything to you, I would hope that if you agree to this contract that it won’t have to come to that. Please, take all the time you need to think it over.

And perhaps, in the meantime, we might sit together as friends. Food, drink, and merriment.” Matthis offered the young woman a sincere smile, truly hoping she would agree to his request, or at least take some time to think it over. But, aside from all that, Matthis would enjoy the woman’s company if she allowed it.

Though he did not know Lexi too well outside of politics, he had hoped to at least enjoy a friendly evening with her before making his trip back home. Lexi appreciated the fact that Matthis understood she would not change her stance on the matter of the Holy Swords. Arguing with him over it would be a waste of both of their time and he'd leave disappointed and likely on her bad side. Stepping over that obstacle was already a sign that this conversation would have some merit to it.

Her friend would move to sit and she would follow to take a seat opposite him. As she sat she crossed her legs and sat upright against the frame to better hold her posture. It also gave him a perfect chance to stare at her.lovely v-neck cut in her dress; to which she would not be surprised if she lost his eyes in them more than once.Matthis would mention offering refuge to the survivors and she chimed in after he finished, ' I hope you're not intending on allowing Magi into your walls, Matthis. You should now how we feel about that.' He'd respond by saying he was in his position of power to help serve his people.

Then, go on to remind her that their Houses have always been allies. Now Mitthis' goal had come to light: he wanted her word that she would not attack him. No matter how fancy he dressed up his words, he was afraid. Afraid of losing his position. He could argue that he only wanted to protect the people. But Lexi knew a leader was greedy, just like she was greedy.

No one in power would risk losing it. It was practically law.While she took a moment to carefully consider what words she would use the man brought out a scroll and handed it to her. She bent forward to reach for it -dipping her chest down in the process- then sat back up in her chair. Her eyes explored the seal as her thumb ran over the top gently. This contract was dangerous.

She'd really need to go over every word, every line. She never expected Matthis to betray her, but he was a cunning one. If he put her in a position that forbade her from acting against him, she'd never hear the end of it from her peers. From Clovis especially. She would absolutely be making contact with him tonight.As she debated cracking it open right then and there, Matthis explained the reasoning in the words.

He of course wanted protection from her, and by default the Holy Swords. He was smart. Most of the Swords were made up by her clan. Her werewolves were young and ambitious, eager to please the cause. Lexi set the scroll down on the table next to her (unopened) and folded her hands in her lap.' We have always been friends, Matthis.

This will not change. No matter the outcome of this war. But that does not mean I won't respect you should you become a threat either.

I support you initiative to safeguard the citizens of Nal Akima. But do so with caution. You know the danger these Magi can have.

The Storms are only getting worse with each season. How long until they reach further down the mountain? How long until they reach your borders? Roakrest will not survive the harsh winters as Fort Redwolf can; it simply isn't built to withstand the dangers.

We as honorable warriors need to rid Avsolom of Magi so protect humanity, starting with Nal Sur.' So let me make this perfectly clear, Matthis,' Clara leaned forward and had a rather dark look in her eyes. ' If we find out you are offering sanctuary to Magi, the Holy Swords will come down on you without mercy.' She'd then stand up and smile at him, offering him her hand to join her, ' Now. Let's get you some food, yeah? Bio bot darkorbit.

No more talk of betrayal and backstabbing.' Matthis could feel the weight of their conversation fall heavy on his shoulders as Lexi spoke. While part of him already knew her answer would be as such, there was another piece of him that felt more hopeful for the future in her words. As she said, they had been friends for quite some time now, and their alliance served to benefit them both. He felt Lexi knew his intentions were to provide safety for the Magi of Nal Sur, and Nal Akima as a whole, but the way everything was phrased did make him feel as though he would be allowed time to actually make this all happen.The man did his best to put off his feelings on the subject, hoping that the words he chose would do him justice for the time being. “ Well, I can assure you my intentions are pure.

Magi can indeed be dangerous. I only wish to provide safety for those who cannot provide it for themselves, and keep the casualties of the innocent to a minimum.” He chose his words carefully, trying to lean more to the idea of offering shelter for ordinary citizens, rather than Magi. But, the Jarl knew that eventually, she and Clovis would find out his long term goals. He just hoped that he would be able to make all his arrangements before the Holy Sword found out about his plan.Matthis put a smile on her face as Lexi began to speak in more friendly terms, and he agreed with her, putting off his unpleasant thoughts about what the future could hold. “ I couldn’t agree more,” He said, beginning to make his way for the door. “ I actually brought you a gift, if you would take it.

It will go wonderfully with dinner, I think.” He said with a humble grin. “ I believe I left it with Jarvin, my guard captain. I remember you were particularly fond of my father’s favorite wine last I saw you. So I brought a bottle just for the occasion. I don’t know about you, but I could use some dine drink after the journey here.”The Jarl did his best to keep a pleasant face, and was quickly reminded that the relationship he had with Lexi had always been a pleasant one. Their two houses did have a lot of history, and it was always a pleasure to spend time with her.

For now, he kept his thoughts of the future aside, and allowed himself to stay present in the moment. Good wine, good food, and good friends did always seem to make him feel better.Matthis made a short detour, making sure to grab the bottle of wine he intended to give Lexi before meeting her in the feasting hall of the fort.

After doing so, his companions followed him down the halls of the castle, and eventually made their way to the large hal, already set up with plenty of food and drink for the lot of them. He smiled, looking around, seeing many cheering faces, however there was still a bit of unrest between the werewolves who called this place their home.

He was sure most of them still felt the rush of battle fading from their systems as they wound down for a meal, but Matthis tried not to pay too much attention to it. For now, he would simply enjoy his time in the Fort, and he wanted his men to do the same. As he approached the head table, he saw Lexi already took her seat and waited for him. He pulled the bottle, presenting it to her with a grin on his face as he took his seat beside her. “ I hope this one is as good as you remember. I can never be too sure about the differences in batches, but in the end, it is still a warm drink to fill the belly.” Matthis pulled a small knife from his boot, popping out the quark to fill Lexi’s goblet before his own. “ And again, I do appreciate you meeting with me.

It’s been far too long since we’ve been able to share a drink.” He clinked his glass with hers, taking a small sip of deep red liquid before turning to his plate. She asked with a curious smile. ' My my how thoughtful of you.' Hearing their family's wine got Lexi's hopes up.

She did remember the sweet and welcoming taste of the flavor. She could already taste it in her mouth, getting ready to sample it. She'd escort him to where the men would be bunking and retrieved the bottle and then the lot of them would head back down for supper. As she walked past her men, they would bow to her in their special way as those who'd welcomed him from outside (turning their heads and pulling their hair back in one graceful stroke). Lexi would smile at them and ever so gently tip her head in their direction to acknowledge them; she would not actually bow for she was the strongest.The Redwolf chieftain would sit and Matthis would come to sit beside her. He offered her the bottle which she took with delight. She looked at the wrapping in the custom label, admiring the craftsmanship of their crest.

Looking back up she noticed him taking out a small knife to which she'd return the bottle and wait for a drink to be poured. Matthis filled both of their goblets up with the red wine before giving one to Lexi and one to himself. The redhead took hers and brought it to her nose to smell the intoxicating aroma. Just as wonderful as she remembered.' That it has,' she agreed while clinking her glass to his in toast. ' To old friendships.'

Lexi then took a small sip of the wine to savor the taste. It always amazed her how a liquid could taste dry.

The very idea made no sense but sure enough wine made it possible. It had a lovely taste of cheese which also made no sense to her because they'd been made of fermented grapes. But if there was one thing this redhead loved it was her cheeses. Out in the mountains it was rare to get dairy products since they couldn't be stored for long periods. Not without magic, and everyone knew how they felt about that.Meat however was everywhere. The table was filled with poultry and all sorts of red meats.

Each one grilled in such a way to really pair with the best taste. Though such a thing was a matter of perspective. Looking around the outsiders would notice a lack of elegancy instead having rather barbaric mannerisms when it came to how they ate. They had no need to stand on principle or need to impress, so why waste time with silverware?

Lexi however was the exception. She ate with grace and posture that one might expect from the Empire's nobles.

This was how she was expected to act. She was the leader. And while she could go against every rule of how a lady was supposed to act, it gave her the impression she was not at all barbaric.

This gave her clan more respect. As they made their way down the hall, Matthis took note of the way the wolfen guard would bow to their leader. It was an interesting display, revealing the vitals to their alpha, similar to the way a dog would roll on their back to reveal the stomachs. He raised his brow, thinking to himself ‘ They’re being submissive.’ Either that, or it was simply a part of their culture he didn’t quite understand.Regardless, the Jarl didn’t pay much more attention to the thought as the group made their way to the main feasting hall. After readying the bottle, he would happily toast with Lexi, “ To ever growing bonds.” He tacked on. Matthis chuckled to himself slightly as he looked around at the display of food and drink that had been laid out before them.

Though he was sure his men didn’t mind the lack of silverware, or if they’d even noticed, it was a small thing Matthis seemed to have forgotten since his last time in the fort. Lexi, on the other hand, seemed to be the only one in the room who had any table manners. Was it another display of dominance amongst her tribe? The way she postured herself was definitely a tier above the way the rest of the room acted. Again, though, Matthis would simply tuck the information away, labeling it in his mind as another piece of the Redwolf culture.The food was delicious as he bit into it. Simple, seeming to only be seasoned with cracked pepper and salt, though the meat had been prepared incredibly well. To no surprise at all, the meat was quite rare, though that was much to his liking.

It paired wonderfully with the wine he had brought, he thought to himself as he took a sip. Though, after a short while, he turned his focus back to the chieftain with a slight smile on his face. “ If you don’t mind me asking, Lexi,” he started, “ Where do you think Clovis will lead the Holy Sword next, now that Nal Sur has been Dealt with?” He paused before finishing, thinking of how to phrase the thought better than what was coursing through his mind.Though Matthis seemed to be one of the only souls in Nal Akima who was in contrast with Clovis and his Holy Sword, there was some admiration to be had for the man and his qualities. Clovis was a natural leader, to be certain, and the charisma he had was, if nothing else, magnetic. In his mind, he was even beginning to look at Clovis as somewhat of a rival, in terms of leadership. Though it might have sounded petty or foolish if said aloud, Matthis did feel a sense of competitiveness when it came to Lighthawk.

Matthis just believed himself to be the opposition.“ I would love to see the way your tribe works in battle.” Matthis started again, trying to play more to his admiration for the werewolves, rather than to figure out what was next in store for her organization. “ Though I’m sure it wouldn’t stray too far from a pack of wild wolves, I would like to think that your tribe might have a bit more refinement.” It was true, he had always wanted to see the way werewolves would work together.

Of course many of Nal Akima had heard the horror stories of single werewolves tearing apart helpless travelers, and the like. That being said, Matthis could help but form an interest in a group specialized in battle.

Truly a group or werewolves as large as the Redwolf tribe, all of whom worked together as a cohesive unit. Well, that was sure to strike fear into anyone who was on the wrong end of that fight. Lexi cut into her food and worked through her meal while occasionally taking long sips of the wine.

She certainly wasn't holding back on saving any for later. Matthis would draw her back into conversation some bites later by asking where the Holy Swords might be moving next. She put another small bite of chicken in her mouth by fork and chewed it slowly while she thought about how best to answer his question. Since he wasn't a member of their ranks it was dangerous to go giving out that information.

He very well could let something slip and she lead the Swords into a trap. Or, worst case scenario Matthis does it intentionally.But she had no reason not to trust. Just how much was the question. She figured everyone in Nal Akima was against Magi, but he made it clear he wouldn't join in their ways.

Could he really stoop so low as to sabotage his own people though? Turn traitor to their country? Matthis was many things, but he was no traitor. After she swallowed she'd pat her lips with her napkin and then turn to face his direction.' For now we are content with weeding out the rest of the country from the Magi threat. But I know eventually we will move to the Empire.

They are the biggest threat. It won't be easy, but if we can get enough of the common folk to side with us -they hate their Emperor enough as it is- then I see no reason why we can't change this world for the better.' She smirked and looked around for a second before turning back. ' Plus, we've had some.conversations with a certain ally right now. A common enemy against the Empire.

With their knowledge and inner workings we'll be able to really make a dent in the Empire's control.' What Lexi was not telling him was that plans were already in motion. Shortly after Nal Sur had been seized, a new threat came to surround the city. The same threat that was currently in war with the Empire. No one except those who were at Nal Sur knew that Clovis had begun negotiations with their people to form an alliance.

It was their little secret, one that Lexi would not share with Matthis. With the help of the Dwarven tunnels they had access to all of West Avsolom. Big changes were coming.Matthis would then continue on by saying he'd love to see the way her tribe hunted. This made the redhead chieftain smile. She looked away from him and back over her people as she spoke.

' Yes they are quite something. Wolves are amazing hunters as is. Giving them human brains on top of their natural instinct is a recipe for perfection. We've never really fought in any actual war against the humans. But each and every one of my tribesman are itching to prove themselves.' Matthis turned his attention from Lexi, following her gaze out to her people.

The itching she spoke of was more than clear to him as soon as he had entered the fort. Many of her people seemed on edge, and what he commonly referred to as the “thrill of battle” was clearly taking a hold of her people.The first bit of what she said really seemed to catch his attention. ‘ Moving to the empire?’ He thought to himself.

Now that was a bold move, to be sure. The world was full of Magi, and the Empire seemed to be the center of it, that was certain. As far as their new ally, though, Matthis didn’t even know where to begin.

He took in a deep breath as he pondered the idea, taking another few sips of wine, in between bites of chicken and beef alike.Before too long, he realized the two of them had nearly finished their glasses, and Matthis was quite full from the concentration of meats. With a smirk on his face, Matthis offered to refill both of their glasses, turning to Lexi with a somewhat devilish look on his face. “ You know, Lexi, it will probably be quite some time until I make my way out here again, so what do you say to a little drinking game to pass the time? Good laughs, good drink, and good friends seem to be all too scarce in my day to day routine.” Matthis took another quick sip of wine before standing and taking a step away from his seat.

“ Give me just a moment, I’ll be right back”With a smile on his face, Matthis left the dining hall to quickly return with a rather large bottle of a strange, almost golden liquid. “ This is called Dragon’s Tears,” he said, taking his seat back next to the woman. “ I honestly forgot I had it, forgot to unpack the thing from the wagon last I travelled. It’s supposed to be some of the finest whisky crafted. While I can’t say anything to that point, I do know that the man who made this loves his drink, so I’m sure it’s good.”Matthis grabbed a few empty glasses from the other side of the table, quickly filling them with a double shot of the drink, before requarking the bottle and setting it between the two of them. “ You’ve played two truths and a lie, I hope?” He asked, raising his brow slightly, smirk still ripe on his face.

With a happy smirk the redhead would accept her now third goblet of wine, emptying the bottle. It was quite apparent already that her cheeks and her chest were flushed from the alcohol, but as far as behavior went, she seemed just as sober as when she'd started. Matthis had a way to change that.

Offering her a drinking game, she raised her eyebrow to him and pursed her lips.' A drinking game?

Why that sounds dangerous. You sure you want to gamble like that? A werewolf's blood is much more sturdy than a human's.

We can hold our liquor far better. You up to the challenge?' It seemed her long time friend was up to giving it a try as he'd come back a few minutes later with a bottle of gleaming golden juice. Lexi took it from him and brought it up to her eyes while holding it to the light of the fire. Dragon's Tears, he'd called it.

She could honestly believe it with how gold the liquid was. She'd never seen a dragon in person, so she didn't have the slightest clue as to what color their tears really were. But something as majestic as that only made sense.Her friend poured a shot glass for the both of them and she inspected it like a small fascinated child.

' Oh so it is a game game. Hear I figured you wanted to go shot for shot. Alright, Mithy, I'll play your game.

How does it work?' Matthis laughed a bit at her boast, “ Don’t think werewolves are the only ones able to hold their liquor, drink runs in my families blood too. Matter of fact, I think it quite literally did in my father’s case.” He laughed in jest.The Jarl grabbed the glass he filled for himself as he began to explain the rules of the game. “ It’s quite simple really. One person starts by saying three statements about themselves, in which two of them are true, and one is a lie.

The other person has to guess which statement is the lie. If you guess correctly, the other person drinks, and if you get it wrong, you drink. And then we switch.” It was simple enough. A game Matthis had often played during his time as a soldier, a sort of “get to know you” type game to build comradery amongst his men.He took a sip of his drink, closing his eyes and letting out a small breath as the warm liquid trickled down the back of his throat. A smile began to grow as the familiar burning sensation took its effect. They had already had a bottle of wine between them, but the golden whisky was surely a step above. It tasted wonderfully, with a mixture of rustic oak, and a hint of mint and lavender.

While it made for a curious combination in a whisky, he could not deny that it had a wonderful effect on his pallet. He reopened his eyes after his mind came back, looking to Lexi with an almost devilish grin.“ I’ll start.” He said, wrapping his hand around the glass. He adjusted himself in his seat, getting himself a bit more comfortable before he started. “ I have never broken a promise, I cannot stand horses, and I have never swam in the ocean.” Matthis tilted his head slightly, swirling the liquid around in its container, nodding his chin to Lexi as she thought of which part he had said was a lie.

While Mathhis explained the rules of his game, Alexandra would take another slow sip of her wine. Her blue eyes examined his hands and the bottle while he poured them both a shot. They'd then shift up to look him in the eyes as he spoke, showing him her full attention. The rules were simple enough.

Lie for your turn, bluff through the truths. Then guess your opponents bluff. Loser drinks. She could see how this would be a quick way to get drunk.

The hardest part (she already expected) would be coming up with enough truths and lies to use. And Matthis had experience playing. She did not.Lexi would then finish what was left in her glass as Matthis set out his three statements. He'd never broken a promise.

He couldn't stand horses. And he'd never swam in the ocean. It was obvious of course. The ocean surrounded their home and he lived in a much warmer part of Nal Akima. Naturally he'd have gone in at least once. Now a promise was hard to guess which way he might fall, but Alexandra had a feeling someone as noble and proud as Matthis would make sure to always uphold his promises.' Your lie is the horses.

After all you rode in on them.

  • 30 Mar 2018

  • Hi everyone and welcome back as always!! Love Harry Potter!! I'm so excited with how many we've seen so far! Can't wait for the next! Thanks for watching and see you soon as always! Please check out my awesome Stranger Things shirt here: Tee No Evil- https://www.teenoevil.com/ CHECK OUT OUR ENTIRE FULL REACTIONS TO MOVIES AND SHOWS HERE: https://www.Patreon.com/StormAkima VOTE FOR OUR NEXT SHOW/MOVIE AND REQUEST SOMETHING! NEXT POLL ends this SATURDAY! THE LORD OF THE RINGS IS IN THE LEAD! :D https://www.Patreon.com/StormAkima OUR ADDRESS: Storm Akima P.O. Box 2580 New Preston Marble Dale, CT. 06777 Please help support us (if possible), so we can create awesome content more frequently!: https://www.Patreon.com/StormAkima Our BACK UP Channel for Storm Akima (just in case, subscribe here too!) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWkB.. Contact me through Twitter to get main feedback: https://twitter.com/Storm_Akima My Channel (Reactions & Gaming and hopefully more animations): https://www.youtube.com/StormAkima My Art Channel ART BUZZ: (Please subscribe so we can change this infernal weird URL:) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6_3.. Storm Akima on FaceBook?! LOLz: https://www.facebook.com/stormakima Check out some of my artwork: http://stormakima.deviantart.com/