
Nooks And Crannies Diablo 3

Nooks And Crannies Diablo 3 5,0/5 7454 reviews

.Hadi's Claim Mine – Stinging Winds.Abandoned Cellar – Stinging Winds.Tunnels of the Rockworm – Black Canyon MinesTo access this dungeon, you must kill a unique Rockworm.Sirocco Caverns – Howling Plateau.Chamber of the Lost Idol – Stinging Winds.Tomb of Khan Dakab – Dahlgur OasisLocated in the Dahlgur Oasis, the only way to access this dungeon is to activate two levers to open the door.Tomb of Sardar – Dahlgur OasisOpening this tomb requires that you hit a lever by the entrance.The Forgotten Ruins – Dahlgur Oasis.The Fowl Lair – Desolate SandsAccessible only through the portal device. It's even rarer than the Veiled Treasure.The Ruins – Stinging Winds.The Crumbling Vault/Vault Treasure Room – Stinging Winds.Vile Cavern – Desolate Sands.Ancient Cave – Dahlgur Oasis.Flooded Cave – Dahlgur Oasis.Alcarnus/Sandy/Town Cellars – Alcarnus.Abandoned Mineworks – Howling Plateau.Fuad's Cellar – Howling Plateau.Rotting/Ransaked/Storage/Old Fisherman's/Storm/Swampy Cellars – Dahlgur Oasis.Deserted Cellar – Black Canyon MinesAct 3: Oh the Places You'll Go! Now that you're done with Act 2, it's time to move on to the third and penultimate act in the game, which takes place on the battlefields of Arreat. Most of these locations, like those in the previous acts, can only be found occasionally, so you'll have to revisit this location multiple times (preferably on different characters, so you don't burn yourself out) to visit them all.Caverns of Frost – Fields of Slaughter.Icefall Caves – Fields of Slaughter.Fortified Buncker – The Arreat Gate.The Barracks – The Arreat Gate.Battlefield Stores – The Battlefields.The Foundry – The Battlefields.Cryder's Outpost – The Battlefields.The Forward Barracks – The Battlefields.The Underbridge – Rakkis Crossing.

The Ancient Device is a random rare Event in the Desolate Sands of Act II of Diablo III. It can only spawn in the North or South central areas of the Desolate Sands. This area must be explored in order to complete the achievement Nooks and Crannies. Lyndo's Journal is always found next to the device. Sirocco Caverns Level 1 Sirocco Caverns Level 2 Fuad's Cellar Abandoned Mineworks-Located in Howling Plateau Cave of Burrowing Horror Level 1 Cave of Burrowing Horror Level 2 Vile Cavern Level 1 Vile Cavern Level 2-Located in the Desolate Sands; the location opens after defeating a unique rockworm. Tomb of Khan Dakab-Part.

A little bit of history - I bought Diablo 3 shortly after launch, played the base game for about 2 years, and stopped in April 2014. I bought the RoS expansion and started playing again in February 2017. Since the very beginning, I was trying to get all the achievements. I remember running Fields of Misery over and over again with my level 60 wizard to fully explore all the dungeons to get the exploration achievement.

Fast forward to last year (2017), I began seriously playing the game, and spend a few weeks grinding out most of the achievements. I made a Chicken Doc speed build, and made a list of all the locations that I needed to go, and the rest is history.Here are the most memorable ones:Historian of Tristram (read all world lore books in Act I). The hardest one is The Hanging Tree, which has a very low chance of spawning in the Weeping Hollow.A lot of the cursed chest achievements are brutal. The most memorable ones were Cursed Cellar in Damp Cellar, and Cursed Mill in Fields of Misery.Wheel of Misfortune (Experience all 10 possible endings of the Ancient Device event in Desolate Sands).

Pretty brutal.Nooks and Crannies (explore all dungeons in Act II). Some of those small dungeons were pretty rare, like the Sirocco Caverns.Historian of Westmarch - The History of Pandemonium (4 parts) and The Discovery of Sanctuary (3 parts).

Both of these drop in the Battlefields of Eternity. They are SOOOOO rare, and they are found in these ancient scrolls and ancient demon corpses which are SUPER hard to spot.

Took me two whole days (more than 10 hours) to find all of them.The Tourists (complete all events in Westmarch in a co-op game). Some of these events are hard to find to begin with (Westmarch Commons and Heights are pretty big maps), and I had to invite random people from general chat just to stand in and help me get these.Haunted - Meet all the ghosts. The Dataminer and Lucious the Depraved took me a looong time.Market Research - Meet all rare merchants. Halmin the F.CKING Alchemist, super rare merchant in Foundry Level 1, which is in turn a pretty rare dungeon with a huge map, absolutely sadistic.All the hardcore achievements - the only reason I played hardcore. Took me a week of running Steed Charge Crusader on Torment 1.Kill every type of uniques, rare, and champion. These are definitely some of the hardest achievements. I still remember the absolute ordeal of running through the Spider Cave for Rathlin the Widowmaker and Qurash the Reviled, The Battlefields for Mehshak the Abomination, champion Fallen Cur (which only spawns in Storm Halls), champion Plague Swarm (which only spawns in Crydor's Outpost), rare Darksky Fire Demon (which only spawns in Gardens of Hope Lvl 2), among countless others.

Also, I accidentally killed Yakara, one of the rarest uniques in the game, in Eastern Channel while doing bounties.Kill 666 enemies with a fallen chandelier. Even on normal, monsters in a level 70 game cannot be killed with one hit by the chandelier. I had to make a low level character to do it. Took about 5-6 hours of running the cathedral over the over again.Kill 1000 enemies using the environment. Just brutal.Survivor (survive combat with low health 250 times).

Put on Chaingmail, go to those fire pits in Halls of Agony, and grind it out. I didn't figure out a way to do it AFK, as I keep getting killed. So I had to do it by hand.Savior (save players from death 250 times). You can actually do this solo with DH Sentry. Go to Festering Woods, set it up correctly, and farm AFK.Bashanishu (hit Bashiok with Rakanishu's Blade). A lot of farming in the Oasis.

RipKill 1000 Wood Wraiths or Highland Walkers. Soooo repetitive. By the end I know the entire maps of the highlands by heart and every possible spawn points for those damn trees.Hear Every Covetous Shen dialogue. Not hard, just stupid.Use a Demonic Forge to kill 3 Tormented Stingers at once. It was actually pretty hard.

And very annoying.Kill 100k demons with demon hunter. This was another really grindy one. I had a route in Act 4 which I ran over and over again. There are like 2 cursed chests in Act 4 that spawn demons, which really help.Heal other players for 2 billion health with monk.

First I was like this is just impossible. Then I started playing zmonk, and it wasn't that hard.The set dungeons. Barbarian's Wrath of the Wastes dungeon (do not take any physical damage), and Wizard's DMO dungeon (catch 20 enemies with slow time 4 times, and reflect 200 projectiles) were the hardest in my memory.I also looked like a fool in pub game clicking on every health pool to get that achievement.And last but definitely not the least - COMPLETE 10,000 BOUNTIES.


I just got this one today, which completes my 100%. Never again.Getting 100% achievements was my first goal in Diablo 3.

Now this is finally done (after 6 years), my next goal is to Solo GR100 with every class. So far, I've already reached 100 with Necro, Monk, and Crusader. And so it goes.Edit: I just want to add that farming Chiltara for the Gibbering Gemstone (to make the Staff of Herding) was THE most gruesome, disgusting, and tormenting experience I've ever had.

FIRST you need to get the Caverns of Frost to spawn (which happens around 40% of the time, I think), THEN you need Chiltara to spawn, which is like 50% of the time, AND THEN you need her to drop the gemstone, which is like NEVER. I farmed her for almost a full week for my first drop. Then I accidentally got a second one while doing bounties many months later. Rip.Edit 2 (Nov. 2018): Now with over 3k paragon, I finally put together some builds and solo'd GR100 with every class. I remember back then I only played wizard, and I had this random disintegrate build which can barely do T10. Now my firebird meteor can easily walk thru a 100.


The achievements were one of the last systems implemented in D3, and the exhausted Dev team dug deep down for a hell of a last feature push.The last few months of a Dev cycle are supposed to be dedicated to bugs, polish, and internal feedback action items. Our executive producer ended up throwing all of that out the window to send our design team into months of Auction House development. The designers who might have worked on achievements were sidelined.Instead, secondary designers, our UI artist/designer, myself and the remaining art staff all jumped into the task. We looked at the achievements being made elsewhere and found that they were being made by a lot of devs who really didn’t care about the feature. We cared, and we wanted to do something special, but we didn’t have a lot of time to do it.We knocked out an achievement list fast, and got a designer/programmer duo to edit or modify the list until everything seemed feasible. We only had a little time to gutcheck the coolness of each one, but it was a decent list- a good mixture of Do Everything In A Category and Engage In This Weird Behavior. It was a long list by Blizzard standards.

They got to work implementing the code and I got started organizing a massive art collaboration.Ideally, for this kind of feature the UI guy would work out a kind of style guide with the Art Director before we showed all of our artists what we wanted to do. But time was short and we couldn’t do a formal process. All of those achievements needed icons, hundreds of them, and we weren’t happy just repeating them like WoW did, or slapping stickers on icons to indicate the second, third, fourth in a series like SC2 did.

Serial number corel draw 2018. D3 artists were invested in the game’s art, and we had people racing to finish their other tasks so that they could jump into achievement icons.Now, it’s not as easy as throwing artists at a stack of tasks. Artists have fields of expertise, and not every artist is great in 2D. Painting environment textures is not the same as creating iconography. Not everyone has practice working at tiny resolutions. There is a learning curve to hit readability for these things.

This was a situation where we needed to leverage raw talent and enthusiasm to make up for a lack of UI creation experience.So our challenges were getting everyone up and running fast as well as planning for the iterative icons. Our curmudgeonly UI genius Mike Nicholson (“Myken’s Ball Of Hate”) established the rules. Each class and each achievement category needed a color and we didn’t want the colors to step on each other. There are only so many colors, you know? He also took point on the interrelated icon designs, so that five related icons would have more than just numbers stickered onto them. He made a whole frame and glow system.

The art team began throwing impromptu classes and collaboration sessions. We worked fast, but we cared about quality, and every single icon went through a full review pass. It was difficult and we didn’t have a lot of time, but we didn’t skimp.Those reviews were a ball. We had dungeon artists, animators, FX people and concept artists in there, all making terrific little masterpieces. There are some hilarious images in that icon set, plenty that I would like to have on a T shirt. Check out the class ones especially.

The Barbarian ones were great and I remember the Witchdoctor ones getting a lot of laughs.During this, we had necessary revisions to the achievement list. Unimplementable achievements were changed or cut, resulting in the loss of a few HILARIOUS icons. We didn’t have as much time to test achievements for “feel”, resulting in some regrettable inclusions. The Hardcore achievement list should have been shorter, for sure, sorry about that. Also, some other systems were still in polish, resulting in achievements becoming much easier or harder under our feet.

If we cut two encounter tiles from, say, the Oasis, then the chance that the already-complete unique Oasis tile 4A will appear in your game goes up. Oops, now that tile’s Unique monster is less rare and the achievement we designed around him is trivial. It would be nice to change that achievement, but localization teams around the world have already translated the achievement text into 14 different languages. Time to move on! Such are the misadventures of late-stage game development.Looking at the game after launch, there have been even more changes. Reaper features and balance changes made old achievements easier or harder and invalidated others out of existence. Achievement systems are tertiary game systems, but to people like you and I, they matter.

I’m an achievement junkie myself and I have felt your pain. Some of these are brutal, either by mistake or feature drift. But I hope it was a satisfying journey as well.Great job on your accomplishment, and know that the achievements you earned were crafted by the loving, if sleep-deprived, hands of a game team that never met you but put everything they had into Diablo III because they were determined not to let you down.See you in Sanctuary!. Thanks for your long replay and inside explanation, lutsock. I'm not the op, but I've been playing Diablo since day one, or pretty close to it.The only reason i haven't played this season is because I feel like blizz doesn't care about diablo anymore.I see posts like yours above and it makes me want to go and 100% this game but I can't bring myself to play it again when on holiday there's huge cross IP activities through overwatch, StarCraft, heroes, etc but NOTHING for Diablo?I honestly just don't understand why? The Necro expansion was awesome and I'm so happy to have more stuff to play finally, changing the way end game plays with the rifts is nice, but there's too much missing that turns Diablo into and endless grind.I don't want to complain at you because I love Diablo. I'm planning on getting ink done that's how much.

Do you have any insight you're able to share with a lone veteran of everything Diablo about why this is? I just don't understand.diablo, hellfire, d2, lod, d3 preorder, ros, and necro and the d&d board campaign.

I have one piece of swag on my PC desk and it's the usb Diablo bust with the soulstone.I haven't 100% Diablo like the op, but it's one of my favorite all time games and it saddens me to see blizzard discount it during every other event.Thanks for sharing, and thanks for being so devoted to something that has influenced my life for 20 years. Thank you so much for the reply! There were 2 things that I enjoyed the most about grinding out these achievements. One, it was pretty satisfying to see my list of locations slowly narrowing down.

I actually wrote them down by hand, and every time I find a mob or dungeon or lore book I cross it out. It was satisfying to see that at end of each day, a lot of stuff on my list is crossed out:) Two, I really liked those achievement names. I know some people hate them because they are bad puns (but once again, are there good puns?), but I find them funny. I remember killing Zoltun Kulle in hardcore and got the 'Kulle story bro' achievement, which made me laugh out loud for like 5 minutes:)Also, I want to thank whoever in the dev team that decided to lower the requirements for some achievements. I think the number of trees you have to kill used to be higher. The bounty one used to be like 1 MILLION bounties or something. AND I think for a while split bounties don't count.

I'm so glad they changed it so that every split bounty game counts as 25 (as opposed to only the ones that you finish). Thank you for your work. As someone who has also 100%'d it, it meant a lot.This actually explains a lot. For vanilla D3, a lot of achievements did not work at launch, I think some even took a year before the remaining ones were fixed.I hope this enthusiasm is brought to future Blizzard titles. Some friendly critique about Blizzard achievements in general as I've hunted them down for every Blizzard game that offered them:1) Your style of achievements for D3 was well done.

The term 'achievement' kind of implies a really hard task, but in reality, that's not what achievements have ever been about; they're objectives, often being silly or a neat little side-quest.Getting rank 2700 in WoW in 3v3 is certainly an achievement by the very definition, but it also prevents people from ever completing it no matter how hard they try. These I feel like belong more in the feats of strength, and I'm glad these style of achievements didn't make it in D3 (e.g. Top 10 ladder)2) There's a huge delay when D3 updates your progress on achievements, felt like 10 minutes before it updated. Being able to track that live would have been really nice.3) This is probably just a bug, but any of the 126 vanilla achievements that got transferred to Feats of Strength do not count towards your total Feats of Strength. It says I have 24, when in reality I have 150. This is because it only counts the direct children of that tab, but it does not count the children in the sub-tabs. I think your critiques are legitimate.

DeepTerminal pointed out some pretty accurate ones as well. Achievements are a feature that are either shoved in out of obligation by people who don’t especially love them or they are labored over by people who care but are doing their best at the end of a dev cycle.I love achievements, but as a producer I would prioritize gameplay bugs over achievement bugs 100% of the time. After launch, that prejudice rolls over, and it can be hard to give a achievements the focus they deserve when you are making plans for moving the team forward.Nonetheless, there are plenty of achievement lovers in design. Personally I’d love to see some killer Hearthstone cheevos make it in next.


Nooks And Crannies Diablo 3

Nooks And Crannies Diablo 3 5,0/5 7454 reviews

.Hadi's Claim Mine – Stinging Winds.Abandoned Cellar – Stinging Winds.Tunnels of the Rockworm – Black Canyon MinesTo access this dungeon, you must kill a unique Rockworm.Sirocco Caverns – Howling Plateau.Chamber of the Lost Idol – Stinging Winds.Tomb of Khan Dakab – Dahlgur OasisLocated in the Dahlgur Oasis, the only way to access this dungeon is to activate two levers to open the door.Tomb of Sardar – Dahlgur OasisOpening this tomb requires that you hit a lever by the entrance.The Forgotten Ruins – Dahlgur Oasis.The Fowl Lair – Desolate SandsAccessible only through the portal device. It's even rarer than the Veiled Treasure.The Ruins – Stinging Winds.The Crumbling Vault/Vault Treasure Room – Stinging Winds.Vile Cavern – Desolate Sands.Ancient Cave – Dahlgur Oasis.Flooded Cave – Dahlgur Oasis.Alcarnus/Sandy/Town Cellars – Alcarnus.Abandoned Mineworks – Howling Plateau.Fuad's Cellar – Howling Plateau.Rotting/Ransaked/Storage/Old Fisherman's/Storm/Swampy Cellars – Dahlgur Oasis.Deserted Cellar – Black Canyon MinesAct 3: Oh the Places You'll Go! Now that you're done with Act 2, it's time to move on to the third and penultimate act in the game, which takes place on the battlefields of Arreat. Most of these locations, like those in the previous acts, can only be found occasionally, so you'll have to revisit this location multiple times (preferably on different characters, so you don't burn yourself out) to visit them all.Caverns of Frost – Fields of Slaughter.Icefall Caves – Fields of Slaughter.Fortified Buncker – The Arreat Gate.The Barracks – The Arreat Gate.Battlefield Stores – The Battlefields.The Foundry – The Battlefields.Cryder's Outpost – The Battlefields.The Forward Barracks – The Battlefields.The Underbridge – Rakkis Crossing.

The Ancient Device is a random rare Event in the Desolate Sands of Act II of Diablo III. It can only spawn in the North or South central areas of the Desolate Sands. This area must be explored in order to complete the achievement Nooks and Crannies. Lyndo's Journal is always found next to the device. Sirocco Caverns Level 1 Sirocco Caverns Level 2 Fuad's Cellar Abandoned Mineworks-Located in Howling Plateau Cave of Burrowing Horror Level 1 Cave of Burrowing Horror Level 2 Vile Cavern Level 1 Vile Cavern Level 2-Located in the Desolate Sands; the location opens after defeating a unique rockworm. Tomb of Khan Dakab-Part.

A little bit of history - I bought Diablo 3 shortly after launch, played the base game for about 2 years, and stopped in April 2014. I bought the RoS expansion and started playing again in February 2017. Since the very beginning, I was trying to get all the achievements. I remember running Fields of Misery over and over again with my level 60 wizard to fully explore all the dungeons to get the exploration achievement.

Fast forward to last year (2017), I began seriously playing the game, and spend a few weeks grinding out most of the achievements. I made a Chicken Doc speed build, and made a list of all the locations that I needed to go, and the rest is history.Here are the most memorable ones:Historian of Tristram (read all world lore books in Act I). The hardest one is The Hanging Tree, which has a very low chance of spawning in the Weeping Hollow.A lot of the cursed chest achievements are brutal. The most memorable ones were Cursed Cellar in Damp Cellar, and Cursed Mill in Fields of Misery.Wheel of Misfortune (Experience all 10 possible endings of the Ancient Device event in Desolate Sands).

Pretty brutal.Nooks and Crannies (explore all dungeons in Act II). Some of those small dungeons were pretty rare, like the Sirocco Caverns.Historian of Westmarch - The History of Pandemonium (4 parts) and The Discovery of Sanctuary (3 parts).

Both of these drop in the Battlefields of Eternity. They are SOOOOO rare, and they are found in these ancient scrolls and ancient demon corpses which are SUPER hard to spot.

Took me two whole days (more than 10 hours) to find all of them.The Tourists (complete all events in Westmarch in a co-op game). Some of these events are hard to find to begin with (Westmarch Commons and Heights are pretty big maps), and I had to invite random people from general chat just to stand in and help me get these.Haunted - Meet all the ghosts. The Dataminer and Lucious the Depraved took me a looong time.Market Research - Meet all rare merchants. Halmin the F.CKING Alchemist, super rare merchant in Foundry Level 1, which is in turn a pretty rare dungeon with a huge map, absolutely sadistic.All the hardcore achievements - the only reason I played hardcore. Took me a week of running Steed Charge Crusader on Torment 1.Kill every type of uniques, rare, and champion. These are definitely some of the hardest achievements. I still remember the absolute ordeal of running through the Spider Cave for Rathlin the Widowmaker and Qurash the Reviled, The Battlefields for Mehshak the Abomination, champion Fallen Cur (which only spawns in Storm Halls), champion Plague Swarm (which only spawns in Crydor's Outpost), rare Darksky Fire Demon (which only spawns in Gardens of Hope Lvl 2), among countless others.

Also, I accidentally killed Yakara, one of the rarest uniques in the game, in Eastern Channel while doing bounties.Kill 666 enemies with a fallen chandelier. Even on normal, monsters in a level 70 game cannot be killed with one hit by the chandelier. I had to make a low level character to do it. Took about 5-6 hours of running the cathedral over the over again.Kill 1000 enemies using the environment. Just brutal.Survivor (survive combat with low health 250 times).

Put on Chaingmail, go to those fire pits in Halls of Agony, and grind it out. I didn't figure out a way to do it AFK, as I keep getting killed. So I had to do it by hand.Savior (save players from death 250 times). You can actually do this solo with DH Sentry. Go to Festering Woods, set it up correctly, and farm AFK.Bashanishu (hit Bashiok with Rakanishu's Blade). A lot of farming in the Oasis.

RipKill 1000 Wood Wraiths or Highland Walkers. Soooo repetitive. By the end I know the entire maps of the highlands by heart and every possible spawn points for those damn trees.Hear Every Covetous Shen dialogue. Not hard, just stupid.Use a Demonic Forge to kill 3 Tormented Stingers at once. It was actually pretty hard.

And very annoying.Kill 100k demons with demon hunter. This was another really grindy one. I had a route in Act 4 which I ran over and over again. There are like 2 cursed chests in Act 4 that spawn demons, which really help.Heal other players for 2 billion health with monk.

First I was like this is just impossible. Then I started playing zmonk, and it wasn't that hard.The set dungeons. Barbarian's Wrath of the Wastes dungeon (do not take any physical damage), and Wizard's DMO dungeon (catch 20 enemies with slow time 4 times, and reflect 200 projectiles) were the hardest in my memory.I also looked like a fool in pub game clicking on every health pool to get that achievement.And last but definitely not the least - COMPLETE 10,000 BOUNTIES.


I just got this one today, which completes my 100%. Never again.Getting 100% achievements was my first goal in Diablo 3.

Now this is finally done (after 6 years), my next goal is to Solo GR100 with every class. So far, I've already reached 100 with Necro, Monk, and Crusader. And so it goes.Edit: I just want to add that farming Chiltara for the Gibbering Gemstone (to make the Staff of Herding) was THE most gruesome, disgusting, and tormenting experience I've ever had.

FIRST you need to get the Caverns of Frost to spawn (which happens around 40% of the time, I think), THEN you need Chiltara to spawn, which is like 50% of the time, AND THEN you need her to drop the gemstone, which is like NEVER. I farmed her for almost a full week for my first drop. Then I accidentally got a second one while doing bounties many months later. Rip.Edit 2 (Nov. 2018): Now with over 3k paragon, I finally put together some builds and solo'd GR100 with every class. I remember back then I only played wizard, and I had this random disintegrate build which can barely do T10. Now my firebird meteor can easily walk thru a 100.


The achievements were one of the last systems implemented in D3, and the exhausted Dev team dug deep down for a hell of a last feature push.The last few months of a Dev cycle are supposed to be dedicated to bugs, polish, and internal feedback action items. Our executive producer ended up throwing all of that out the window to send our design team into months of Auction House development. The designers who might have worked on achievements were sidelined.Instead, secondary designers, our UI artist/designer, myself and the remaining art staff all jumped into the task. We looked at the achievements being made elsewhere and found that they were being made by a lot of devs who really didn’t care about the feature. We cared, and we wanted to do something special, but we didn’t have a lot of time to do it.We knocked out an achievement list fast, and got a designer/programmer duo to edit or modify the list until everything seemed feasible. We only had a little time to gutcheck the coolness of each one, but it was a decent list- a good mixture of Do Everything In A Category and Engage In This Weird Behavior. It was a long list by Blizzard standards.

They got to work implementing the code and I got started organizing a massive art collaboration.Ideally, for this kind of feature the UI guy would work out a kind of style guide with the Art Director before we showed all of our artists what we wanted to do. But time was short and we couldn’t do a formal process. All of those achievements needed icons, hundreds of them, and we weren’t happy just repeating them like WoW did, or slapping stickers on icons to indicate the second, third, fourth in a series like SC2 did.

Serial number corel draw 2018. D3 artists were invested in the game’s art, and we had people racing to finish their other tasks so that they could jump into achievement icons.Now, it’s not as easy as throwing artists at a stack of tasks. Artists have fields of expertise, and not every artist is great in 2D. Painting environment textures is not the same as creating iconography. Not everyone has practice working at tiny resolutions. There is a learning curve to hit readability for these things.

This was a situation where we needed to leverage raw talent and enthusiasm to make up for a lack of UI creation experience.So our challenges were getting everyone up and running fast as well as planning for the iterative icons. Our curmudgeonly UI genius Mike Nicholson (“Myken’s Ball Of Hate”) established the rules. Each class and each achievement category needed a color and we didn’t want the colors to step on each other. There are only so many colors, you know? He also took point on the interrelated icon designs, so that five related icons would have more than just numbers stickered onto them. He made a whole frame and glow system.

The art team began throwing impromptu classes and collaboration sessions. We worked fast, but we cared about quality, and every single icon went through a full review pass. It was difficult and we didn’t have a lot of time, but we didn’t skimp.Those reviews were a ball. We had dungeon artists, animators, FX people and concept artists in there, all making terrific little masterpieces. There are some hilarious images in that icon set, plenty that I would like to have on a T shirt. Check out the class ones especially.

The Barbarian ones were great and I remember the Witchdoctor ones getting a lot of laughs.During this, we had necessary revisions to the achievement list. Unimplementable achievements were changed or cut, resulting in the loss of a few HILARIOUS icons. We didn’t have as much time to test achievements for “feel”, resulting in some regrettable inclusions. The Hardcore achievement list should have been shorter, for sure, sorry about that. Also, some other systems were still in polish, resulting in achievements becoming much easier or harder under our feet.

If we cut two encounter tiles from, say, the Oasis, then the chance that the already-complete unique Oasis tile 4A will appear in your game goes up. Oops, now that tile’s Unique monster is less rare and the achievement we designed around him is trivial. It would be nice to change that achievement, but localization teams around the world have already translated the achievement text into 14 different languages. Time to move on! Such are the misadventures of late-stage game development.Looking at the game after launch, there have been even more changes. Reaper features and balance changes made old achievements easier or harder and invalidated others out of existence. Achievement systems are tertiary game systems, but to people like you and I, they matter.

I’m an achievement junkie myself and I have felt your pain. Some of these are brutal, either by mistake or feature drift. But I hope it was a satisfying journey as well.Great job on your accomplishment, and know that the achievements you earned were crafted by the loving, if sleep-deprived, hands of a game team that never met you but put everything they had into Diablo III because they were determined not to let you down.See you in Sanctuary!. Thanks for your long replay and inside explanation, lutsock. I'm not the op, but I've been playing Diablo since day one, or pretty close to it.The only reason i haven't played this season is because I feel like blizz doesn't care about diablo anymore.I see posts like yours above and it makes me want to go and 100% this game but I can't bring myself to play it again when on holiday there's huge cross IP activities through overwatch, StarCraft, heroes, etc but NOTHING for Diablo?I honestly just don't understand why? The Necro expansion was awesome and I'm so happy to have more stuff to play finally, changing the way end game plays with the rifts is nice, but there's too much missing that turns Diablo into and endless grind.I don't want to complain at you because I love Diablo. I'm planning on getting ink done that's how much.

Do you have any insight you're able to share with a lone veteran of everything Diablo about why this is? I just don't understand.diablo, hellfire, d2, lod, d3 preorder, ros, and necro and the d&d board campaign.

I have one piece of swag on my PC desk and it's the usb Diablo bust with the soulstone.I haven't 100% Diablo like the op, but it's one of my favorite all time games and it saddens me to see blizzard discount it during every other event.Thanks for sharing, and thanks for being so devoted to something that has influenced my life for 20 years. Thank you so much for the reply! There were 2 things that I enjoyed the most about grinding out these achievements. One, it was pretty satisfying to see my list of locations slowly narrowing down.

I actually wrote them down by hand, and every time I find a mob or dungeon or lore book I cross it out. It was satisfying to see that at end of each day, a lot of stuff on my list is crossed out:) Two, I really liked those achievement names. I know some people hate them because they are bad puns (but once again, are there good puns?), but I find them funny. I remember killing Zoltun Kulle in hardcore and got the 'Kulle story bro' achievement, which made me laugh out loud for like 5 minutes:)Also, I want to thank whoever in the dev team that decided to lower the requirements for some achievements. I think the number of trees you have to kill used to be higher. The bounty one used to be like 1 MILLION bounties or something. AND I think for a while split bounties don't count.

I'm so glad they changed it so that every split bounty game counts as 25 (as opposed to only the ones that you finish). Thank you for your work. As someone who has also 100%'d it, it meant a lot.This actually explains a lot. For vanilla D3, a lot of achievements did not work at launch, I think some even took a year before the remaining ones were fixed.I hope this enthusiasm is brought to future Blizzard titles. Some friendly critique about Blizzard achievements in general as I've hunted them down for every Blizzard game that offered them:1) Your style of achievements for D3 was well done.

The term 'achievement' kind of implies a really hard task, but in reality, that's not what achievements have ever been about; they're objectives, often being silly or a neat little side-quest.Getting rank 2700 in WoW in 3v3 is certainly an achievement by the very definition, but it also prevents people from ever completing it no matter how hard they try. These I feel like belong more in the feats of strength, and I'm glad these style of achievements didn't make it in D3 (e.g. Top 10 ladder)2) There's a huge delay when D3 updates your progress on achievements, felt like 10 minutes before it updated. Being able to track that live would have been really nice.3) This is probably just a bug, but any of the 126 vanilla achievements that got transferred to Feats of Strength do not count towards your total Feats of Strength. It says I have 24, when in reality I have 150. This is because it only counts the direct children of that tab, but it does not count the children in the sub-tabs. I think your critiques are legitimate.

DeepTerminal pointed out some pretty accurate ones as well. Achievements are a feature that are either shoved in out of obligation by people who don’t especially love them or they are labored over by people who care but are doing their best at the end of a dev cycle.I love achievements, but as a producer I would prioritize gameplay bugs over achievement bugs 100% of the time. After launch, that prejudice rolls over, and it can be hard to give a achievements the focus they deserve when you are making plans for moving the team forward.Nonetheless, there are plenty of achievement lovers in design. Personally I’d love to see some killer Hearthstone cheevos make it in next.