
Avatar Legend Of Korra Fanfiction

Avatar Legend Of Korra Fanfiction 4,3/5 1606 reviews

Holy cow, this chapter was not wanting to be written, plus I joined the pro-bending contest so that took three of my days up to get it in before the deadline. But here it is. Crossposted on Ao3 Please let me know your thoughts.

Aug 29, 2018  Legend of Korra AU Kya had always wanted a child but had never found someone to start a family with. She decides to start one on her own. She has a daughter the night her father, Aang dies and nearly eight years later finds out Korra is the avatar.

As much as Korra disliked meditating at the compound, she's found it's better that than deal with the visions from the past Avatars, so she sits, back straight and legs folded in the lotus position on the floor her back to the door.

She sees flashes from past lives, too quick and varied for her to decipher, though, several of them look to be Sozin in Roku's eyes. She attempts to focus on what they're trying to warn her about, but before she can, she hears a knock at the door that pulls her out of the meditation, she turns to the door as it opens.

For a second, she sees Kuvira, older though she still has the same beauty mark and green eyes, though the small smile that's always there is now a wider, almost wild, her hair looks like it was once up but is now half up and half down, once again, the only word she can think is wild, the clothes she's wearing looks to be a military uniform with metal accents.

Just as fast as the image is there it's gone, and Kuvira is back to looking normal, 'Hey, all us kids are gonna listen to 'Kuruk and Ummi' thought you'd want to join us?'

'Um…' Korra pauses for a couple seconds before unfolding her legs and standing, 'Yeah, sounds fun.'

'Were you meditating?' Kuvira asks as they walk down the hall.

'Yeah, helps control my dreams, so I try and do it before I sleep.' And stops visions from the past and I don't know, future? Potential future?

'Does it work on nightmares?' Kuvira asks, rubbing the back of her neck, her cheeks redden as looks away from Korra.

'Yeah.' Korra nods stepping in front of Kuvira and stopping, attempting to meet the older girl's eyes.

'Could you maybe teach me?' Kuvira asks softly.

Korra grabs the metalbender's hand, allowing a soft smile to cross her face as Kuvira looks up, 'if you want to, of course I will.'

'Thank you.' Kuvira nods, looking towards Korra, 'Now, come on, the others will think we got lost.'

Entering the room, all the Beifong kids are sitting on the couches, Wing and Wei on the love seat closest to the hall, Huan sits on the love seat across the table from them, lying across both cushions, Opal is by her eldest brother, who is drawing on a pad of paper, with an empty spot beside her which Kuvira quickly takes, instead of sitting by Huan, Korra sits on the floor in leaning on the couch in front of Opal, 'You guys we're almost late.' Baatar tells them as Huan tunes the radio to the station.

'We're here though, aren't we?' Kuvira responds with a giggle, 'You try and wake up Korra quickly, she sleeps like a rock.'

'I can't say you're fully wrong, but I can say I wasn't sleeping this time. Now if you came in thirty minutes later I would've been done with meditation and would've been sleeping.' Korra shrugs, 'Hey Baatar, where would I find some rope I could use for Naga?'

'Rope?' The eldest looks at Korra confused

'Yeah, Naga's getting big enough to make a harness for riding. I know how to make one, I just need some rope.' The polar bear dog had grown to almost full size in the past five months she had been in Zaofu, she's plenty big enough to ride now, and trained well enough to do so too, Korra just needed somewhere not her friend's fun to hold onto and a place to tie stuff onto wouldn't be bad either.

'I'm sure I or Dad could find you some, any idea how much you'll need?'

'Shhhhh!' Huan breaks in, 'It's starting.'

'The Avatar and his love. When he lost her, he became less of a man and more of a monster. This is theirs story. This is the story of Avatar Kuruk and his love, Ummi.' The opening comes over the radio, Korra doesn't notice her shoulders were tensed until Kuvira puts her hand on her shoulder, causing Korra to jump before letting out a small sigh as she allows herself to lean back against the couch and listen to the story.


After the show is over the kids talk a bit more before Su sticks her head in, telling them it's Opal and the twins' bedtime. The older kids don't have to go to sleep, but they all head back to their rooms, Kuvira following Korra to the Avatar's pretty sparse room. 'Hey, you okay? You seem kinda down.' Kuvira asks, closing the door behind her.

Korra runs her hand through her hair before nodding, 'I'm fine.' Before sitting on the floor, motioning for Kuvira to join her, 'So to meditate, you have to get into a comfortable position,' she folds her legs into the lotus position with practiced ease, Kuvira having to pull her ankles onto her leg, before matching Korra's hands, 'Vira, you don't have to copy me, do what's comfortable for you.' The metal bender shifts her hands her left hand holding her fisted right but doesn't switch her legs, 'Okay, close your eyes and breathe normally.'

'Okay.' Carefully closing her eyes

'Now, focus on your breathing.'

'That's all?' Kuvira asks

'And don't fall asleep.' Korra shrugs, 'Other than that… well if your mind wanders follow it, but then come back to your breathing. And just try and do that for five to ten minutes, then slowly as the days go on let the time get longer.'

'Ten minutes?' Kuvira asks allowing her eyes to slip open.

'Yeah.' Korra decides to wait til later to meditate herself, watching her stifu, friend? After almost two minutes Kuvira's shoulders drop just a bit. After another few minutes, her hands tense, popping her knuckles, her eyes screw shut and her lips pull into a deep frown, 'Vira.' Korra whispers standing and reaching for the other girl's arm, only for green eyes to snap open before she can do much, 'Vira.' She repeats as the older girl turns away, unfolding her legs and wiping at her eyes, 'Hey, you okay?' Korra asks moving slightly closer to Kuvira, 'I'm sorry,' she murmurs, putting a hand on Kuvira's shoulder and sitting down beside the metalbender.

Kuvira shakes her head quickly, 'Don't apologize, I'm fine, Korra.' Kuvira lies, her voice cracking half way through, 'Just…Fuck,' she runs her hand through her hair, 'Sorry.' She murmurs, pulling her legs against her chest, tears still being fought back.

'No need to apologize, just what's wrong?' Korra asks, her blue eyes meeting teary green.

'Sorry, I'm sorry, please.' Kuvira mumbles under her breath until Korra rests her other hand on Kuvira's other arm. Kuvira leans forward to Korra's chest, the avatar wraps her in a hug, humming in her friend's ear, trying anything to comfort the older girl. After several minutes she feels Kuvira pull back a bit, 'I'm sorry.' She mutters in a hoarse voice.

'You're fine, 'Vira.' Korra quickly responds, unthinkingly running her hands up and down her arms, 'Are you okay?'

'Mostly.' Kuvira shrugs.

'What was that about?'

'That fire, about a month ago. It brought up some not so good memories.'

Korra raises an eyebrow, 'Do you want to talk about it? Or I could get Su or one of the others, or nah?'

'It's just, how I ended up here, in Zaofu, with Su, isn't such a good story.' Kuvira sighs, 'My parents were nonbenders, and they didn't particularly like that I could bend.' Kuvira fiddled with the end of her braid, moving just a bit closer to Korra, not drawing to look at the Avatar as she tells the story, 'My father, he was a drunk, and my mother was a prostitute, they had plenty of arguments over whether I was his kid or not. And during one of those arguments, I guess he decided I wasn't because he became much more… well he hit me before but after, he was much worse.' She crosses her arms, her nails digging into her forearms, 'One day I fought back, or tried, there was a candle and it get knocked to the ground, started a fire, my mother didn't make it out. Dad, as much of a bastard as he was to me, he really loved my mother, and for the next week, he beat me really bad, then dumped me in the desert outside of Zaofu, I was scared so when I saw any movement I bent, that caused Baatar Sr to come check and find me. And you can figure the rest.' Kuvira sighs, 'So now you know, Su calls me her protege, I'm their charity case.' She spits the last few words out.

'Vira…' Korra begins only for Kuvira to interrupt her.

'I'll ask Su to see if someone else can train you.' Kuvira mutters standing up and pulling away from the Avatar.

'Kuvira.' Korra repeats grabbing Kuvira's arm, 'Stop, what are you talking about?'

'I-' Kuvira turns to face the younger girl, 'You can't seriously want me to still be your earthbending master after knowing that.'

'Vira.' Korra sighs, 'Why would I want that, especially after finding out how much stronger you were than I already thought.'

'Stop, please don't do that. Don't pity me.'

'I'm not.' She hesitantly pulls the other girl into a hug, 'Please, believe me.' Kuvira slowly nods into Korra's shoulder, before letting out a small laugh, which quickly turns into another sob as she leans into Korra, her legs feeling like they were about to fail her, Kuvira hadn't told anyone about her past since she told Su and Baatar when she was eight. Korra pulls away from the metalbender 'Do you think Su or Senior would care if we went outside for a bit?'

'Nah, we have about an hour, ninety minutes if we're quiet.'

'Come on, we're doing a race.'

'A race?' Kuvira questions slowly but follows Korra out nonetheless.

'You're riding Naga.' Korra smirks softly as they walk out of the house, closing the door quietly behind them as they walk towards the tree the polar bear dog has taken to sleeping under.

'Has anyone who isn't you ever rode her?'

'She likes you, Vira, and she knows to behave.'

'Didn't you just tell Baatar she needed a harness?'

'The harness will make it easier to control her, or make room for more than one person. By yourself, you'll be fine.'

'If you're sure…' Kuvira mumbles as Korra wakes the beast, who lumbers to a standing position looking between Korra and Kuvira.

'Hey girl, you up for a race?' Korra asks giving her a few pets, Naga responds licking the Avatar in the face, 'Okay,' Korra laughs, 'Is it okay if Kuvira here rides you?' She asks, more for the metalbender than the polar bear dog, she's sure Naga won't mind. And sure enough, her spirit guide lumbers towards the older girl, giving her a lick before lying down in front of her house.

'Okay,' Kuvira nods carefully getting on the animal, Korra guiding her hands where to rest.

'You good?' Korra asks with a smile.

'Yeah,' Kuvira nods.

'Kay, ask her to get up.' Korra says taking a small step back.

'Up, Naga.' Kuvira orders, Naga stands and Korra steps forward, grabbing Kuvira's ankle.

'You steady?' She asks.

'Yes,' Kuvira offers with a smile and a small laugh.

'Okay, remember to hold on, if she gets going too fast, ask her to slow down, Naga, be gentle.' Korra responds letting Kuvira go, 'Anyway, once around the dome, first one back here, wins.'

'You think you can beat Naga?' Kuvira laughs.

Korra shrugs, 'Try me.'

'Okay, one.'


'Go!' Korra yells, taking off.

'Let's go, Naga.' Kuvira says, holding tight to the polar bear dog as she starts at a jog after her master.


'How the heck did you stay so close?' Kuvira asks with a laugh as Korra comes in maybe four yards behind her and Naga.

'Lots of training.' Korra responds catching her breath as Kuvira slips off Naga who lies back down under the tree, only for Korra to lay down, using her guide as a pillow, looking up domeward, 'Hey, you good?' Korra asks softly as Kuvira drops down by her, 'After earlier…'

'I'm sorry, I shouldn't've told you that.' Kuvira mutters, 'Hell, it's been six years, it shouldn't affect me like that.'

'I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me that.' Korra responds 'Do you still want to learn meditation?'

'You want to try again after that breakdown.' Kuvira asks with a bitter smile, wiping at the remaining tear tracks on her face

'Eh, it's not usually that quick but it happens often enough, especially when dealing with chakras. You don't really know where your mind is going to take you.'

'Okay, chakras?' Kuvira raises an eyebrow.

'Seven pools of chi in the body. They're all blocked by something, I have to open them, the White Lotus would prefer in order, to master the Avatar State.'

'Can't you already do that?'

'If I'm in danger, or angry yeah, but I'm not in control, and that can do damage, lots of damage.'

'What happens if someone who's not the avatar unlocks their chakras?'

'Then, in theory they're supposed to become great benders, but not all great benders unlock all their chakras.'

'Can we try?'

'You sure?' Korra asks feeling comfortable resting against the living heater that is Naga.

'I want to be over this shit.' Kuvira nods.

'Okay, let's wait a few days, then you'll need to learn to meditate for a while before we start that,' Korra responds curling further into the white fur.

'Mhh, don't fall asleep, I'm not dragging you back into the house.' Kuvira mutters only for Korra to groan.

'Shh, it's fine, just closing my eyes and imagining the stars.' Korra responds patting Kuvira's shoulder

'Fine, twenty minutes, then back in the house.' Kuvira agrees closing her own eyes.

Korra hears the metalbender's breath even out before her own does.

There turned out to be a really big hitch in Korra's plan to see the country. Money was important. Private youtube videos without permission. It bought food. All of these things were important to living the life.Her dad had offered to give her some money, but she'd wanted to rely on her own wits and means. She'd finally relented when she'd realized that she'd still need gas just to get anywhere, and she could afford little camps between towns. She just preffered to camp out in the woods in the little shelter she pulled behind her motorcycle.But camping out in the woods didn't work in a big city like Republic City, and all of the cheap hotels were sold out for some kind of convention.

Korra looked down at her phone and the text conversation she'd had with Jinora.It wasn't a bad idea, just one that made her a little nervous.Live a little Jinora texted her, seeming to guess that Korra needed that last nudge.' She slipped the phone into her pocket and started her bike. 'Okay lets do this.' The club was loud, louder than Asami typically liked but Jia was the kind of woman who could be really convincing and now that the semester was over, Asami was willing to let loose and have a good time. Even if it meant watching her ex make out with the air nation girl from her physics class. They were still friends but that was just obnoxious. She rolled her eyes, and made a bee-line for the bar.

In the process, she bumped into someone. I’m sorry.”She smiled sheepishly as the woman turned around. “ Are you okay?” Any words after that died before they left her mouth.

The water-tribe woman she’d bumped into had the most stunning blue eyes, and a grin that lit up the dark club.“It’s okay, I’m fine.” Korra tucked some hair behind her ear, grinning stupidly at the gorgeous woman in an elegant and sexy red dress. Her plan had been to go home with someone so she had a place to sleep (and have a little fun, naturally) but she couldn’t take her eyes off of her. She realized she’d sleep in a park if she couldn’t go home with her because no one else could compare.Asami’s mouth was dry.

She gestured towards the bar. Let me buy you a drink.”Korra leaned in, “Sure. Staring at you is making me thirsty.” She winked, then headed towards the bar leaving Asami speechless and red faced.Korra was the thirsty one? Asami felt like she’d just crawled out of the desert and Korra was a nice crisp lake.

She glanced back at her friend, saw that Jia was still engrossed in her new dance partner, then squared her shoulders and followed Korra.“What do you want?” She asked, sliding onto a stool next to Korra. She leaned forward, tossing her hair and giving Korra a knowing smile.The rest of the night went by in a blur. Asami pulled Korra onto the dance floor and quickly lost track of the rest of the world. The way Korra moved against her was maddening, but she quickly realized she was having the same effect on the other woman.And Korra was loving it. Asami was a good dancer, with a beautiful laugh and a cool veneer that cracked and fell away as the night wore on. When they finally stumbled out of the club and into a waiting cab, Korra didn’t know who’s idea it had been; but Asami’s hand slid up her thigh and all seemed right with the world.Asami’s apartment was a mess. Diagrams and blueprints were on every surface, and she hadn’t had the forethought to clean up the piles of take-out on the counter.

Korra barely noticed any of it. She finally had her lips on Asami’s, her fingers expertly peeling that dress off of her body while Asami’s hands tried to worship well-defined muscles and every inch of skin they could reach.When the heat of the moment had passed, and Asami lay with her head pillowed on Korra’s breast as they both tried to regain their senses, Korra felt a strange pain in her chest at the thought of leaving in the morning. That pain only grew worse as they talked through the night.

A few times, hands would wander and the heat between them would stoke back to an inferno, but mostly they shared stories and talked about themselves.“Do you have plans next week?” Asami asked the next morning. She hid her expression behind a mug of coffee as she watched Korra shovel eggs into her mouth.“Uhm.” Korra stopped mid shovel, then swallowed hard. “I plan to be in Zaofu by then. I’ve been traveling.”“Oh.” Asami lowered her eyes.“I’ll come back,” Korra promised.

“I really like you, Asami.” It had been only one (wonderful) night, but damn, she was already feeling attached.“That a promise?” She tried not to sound too hopeful, but she was enthralled already.Korra laughed, getting up and moving around the table. She settled on Asami’s lap, and played with her hair. Its not like I’ll be gone three years or anything.”“When are you leaving?” Asami rested her face against Korra’s throat.She looked around stroking Asami’s hair. “When are your classes?”“Monday.”“Then I’ll leave then.”Asami leaned back and smirked. “You’re assuming you’ll be able to walk.”“Challenge accepted.”.


Avatar Legend Of Korra Fanfiction

Avatar Legend Of Korra Fanfiction 4,3/5 1606 reviews

Holy cow, this chapter was not wanting to be written, plus I joined the pro-bending contest so that took three of my days up to get it in before the deadline. But here it is. Crossposted on Ao3 Please let me know your thoughts.

Aug 29, 2018  Legend of Korra AU Kya had always wanted a child but had never found someone to start a family with. She decides to start one on her own. She has a daughter the night her father, Aang dies and nearly eight years later finds out Korra is the avatar.

As much as Korra disliked meditating at the compound, she's found it's better that than deal with the visions from the past Avatars, so she sits, back straight and legs folded in the lotus position on the floor her back to the door.

She sees flashes from past lives, too quick and varied for her to decipher, though, several of them look to be Sozin in Roku's eyes. She attempts to focus on what they're trying to warn her about, but before she can, she hears a knock at the door that pulls her out of the meditation, she turns to the door as it opens.

For a second, she sees Kuvira, older though she still has the same beauty mark and green eyes, though the small smile that's always there is now a wider, almost wild, her hair looks like it was once up but is now half up and half down, once again, the only word she can think is wild, the clothes she's wearing looks to be a military uniform with metal accents.

Just as fast as the image is there it's gone, and Kuvira is back to looking normal, 'Hey, all us kids are gonna listen to 'Kuruk and Ummi' thought you'd want to join us?'

'Um…' Korra pauses for a couple seconds before unfolding her legs and standing, 'Yeah, sounds fun.'

'Were you meditating?' Kuvira asks as they walk down the hall.

'Yeah, helps control my dreams, so I try and do it before I sleep.' And stops visions from the past and I don't know, future? Potential future?

'Does it work on nightmares?' Kuvira asks, rubbing the back of her neck, her cheeks redden as looks away from Korra.

'Yeah.' Korra nods stepping in front of Kuvira and stopping, attempting to meet the older girl's eyes.

'Could you maybe teach me?' Kuvira asks softly.

Korra grabs the metalbender's hand, allowing a soft smile to cross her face as Kuvira looks up, 'if you want to, of course I will.'

'Thank you.' Kuvira nods, looking towards Korra, 'Now, come on, the others will think we got lost.'

Entering the room, all the Beifong kids are sitting on the couches, Wing and Wei on the love seat closest to the hall, Huan sits on the love seat across the table from them, lying across both cushions, Opal is by her eldest brother, who is drawing on a pad of paper, with an empty spot beside her which Kuvira quickly takes, instead of sitting by Huan, Korra sits on the floor in leaning on the couch in front of Opal, 'You guys we're almost late.' Baatar tells them as Huan tunes the radio to the station.

'We're here though, aren't we?' Kuvira responds with a giggle, 'You try and wake up Korra quickly, she sleeps like a rock.'

'I can't say you're fully wrong, but I can say I wasn't sleeping this time. Now if you came in thirty minutes later I would've been done with meditation and would've been sleeping.' Korra shrugs, 'Hey Baatar, where would I find some rope I could use for Naga?'

'Rope?' The eldest looks at Korra confused

'Yeah, Naga's getting big enough to make a harness for riding. I know how to make one, I just need some rope.' The polar bear dog had grown to almost full size in the past five months she had been in Zaofu, she's plenty big enough to ride now, and trained well enough to do so too, Korra just needed somewhere not her friend's fun to hold onto and a place to tie stuff onto wouldn't be bad either.

'I'm sure I or Dad could find you some, any idea how much you'll need?'

'Shhhhh!' Huan breaks in, 'It's starting.'

'The Avatar and his love. When he lost her, he became less of a man and more of a monster. This is theirs story. This is the story of Avatar Kuruk and his love, Ummi.' The opening comes over the radio, Korra doesn't notice her shoulders were tensed until Kuvira puts her hand on her shoulder, causing Korra to jump before letting out a small sigh as she allows herself to lean back against the couch and listen to the story.


After the show is over the kids talk a bit more before Su sticks her head in, telling them it's Opal and the twins' bedtime. The older kids don't have to go to sleep, but they all head back to their rooms, Kuvira following Korra to the Avatar's pretty sparse room. 'Hey, you okay? You seem kinda down.' Kuvira asks, closing the door behind her.

Korra runs her hand through her hair before nodding, 'I'm fine.' Before sitting on the floor, motioning for Kuvira to join her, 'So to meditate, you have to get into a comfortable position,' she folds her legs into the lotus position with practiced ease, Kuvira having to pull her ankles onto her leg, before matching Korra's hands, 'Vira, you don't have to copy me, do what's comfortable for you.' The metal bender shifts her hands her left hand holding her fisted right but doesn't switch her legs, 'Okay, close your eyes and breathe normally.'

'Okay.' Carefully closing her eyes

'Now, focus on your breathing.'

'That's all?' Kuvira asks

'And don't fall asleep.' Korra shrugs, 'Other than that… well if your mind wanders follow it, but then come back to your breathing. And just try and do that for five to ten minutes, then slowly as the days go on let the time get longer.'

'Ten minutes?' Kuvira asks allowing her eyes to slip open.

'Yeah.' Korra decides to wait til later to meditate herself, watching her stifu, friend? After almost two minutes Kuvira's shoulders drop just a bit. After another few minutes, her hands tense, popping her knuckles, her eyes screw shut and her lips pull into a deep frown, 'Vira.' Korra whispers standing and reaching for the other girl's arm, only for green eyes to snap open before she can do much, 'Vira.' She repeats as the older girl turns away, unfolding her legs and wiping at her eyes, 'Hey, you okay?' Korra asks moving slightly closer to Kuvira, 'I'm sorry,' she murmurs, putting a hand on Kuvira's shoulder and sitting down beside the metalbender.

Kuvira shakes her head quickly, 'Don't apologize, I'm fine, Korra.' Kuvira lies, her voice cracking half way through, 'Just…Fuck,' she runs her hand through her hair, 'Sorry.' She murmurs, pulling her legs against her chest, tears still being fought back.

'No need to apologize, just what's wrong?' Korra asks, her blue eyes meeting teary green.

'Sorry, I'm sorry, please.' Kuvira mumbles under her breath until Korra rests her other hand on Kuvira's other arm. Kuvira leans forward to Korra's chest, the avatar wraps her in a hug, humming in her friend's ear, trying anything to comfort the older girl. After several minutes she feels Kuvira pull back a bit, 'I'm sorry.' She mutters in a hoarse voice.

'You're fine, 'Vira.' Korra quickly responds, unthinkingly running her hands up and down her arms, 'Are you okay?'

'Mostly.' Kuvira shrugs.

'What was that about?'

'That fire, about a month ago. It brought up some not so good memories.'

Korra raises an eyebrow, 'Do you want to talk about it? Or I could get Su or one of the others, or nah?'

'It's just, how I ended up here, in Zaofu, with Su, isn't such a good story.' Kuvira sighs, 'My parents were nonbenders, and they didn't particularly like that I could bend.' Kuvira fiddled with the end of her braid, moving just a bit closer to Korra, not drawing to look at the Avatar as she tells the story, 'My father, he was a drunk, and my mother was a prostitute, they had plenty of arguments over whether I was his kid or not. And during one of those arguments, I guess he decided I wasn't because he became much more… well he hit me before but after, he was much worse.' She crosses her arms, her nails digging into her forearms, 'One day I fought back, or tried, there was a candle and it get knocked to the ground, started a fire, my mother didn't make it out. Dad, as much of a bastard as he was to me, he really loved my mother, and for the next week, he beat me really bad, then dumped me in the desert outside of Zaofu, I was scared so when I saw any movement I bent, that caused Baatar Sr to come check and find me. And you can figure the rest.' Kuvira sighs, 'So now you know, Su calls me her protege, I'm their charity case.' She spits the last few words out.

'Vira…' Korra begins only for Kuvira to interrupt her.

'I'll ask Su to see if someone else can train you.' Kuvira mutters standing up and pulling away from the Avatar.

'Kuvira.' Korra repeats grabbing Kuvira's arm, 'Stop, what are you talking about?'

'I-' Kuvira turns to face the younger girl, 'You can't seriously want me to still be your earthbending master after knowing that.'

'Vira.' Korra sighs, 'Why would I want that, especially after finding out how much stronger you were than I already thought.'

'Stop, please don't do that. Don't pity me.'

'I'm not.' She hesitantly pulls the other girl into a hug, 'Please, believe me.' Kuvira slowly nods into Korra's shoulder, before letting out a small laugh, which quickly turns into another sob as she leans into Korra, her legs feeling like they were about to fail her, Kuvira hadn't told anyone about her past since she told Su and Baatar when she was eight. Korra pulls away from the metalbender 'Do you think Su or Senior would care if we went outside for a bit?'

'Nah, we have about an hour, ninety minutes if we're quiet.'

'Come on, we're doing a race.'

'A race?' Kuvira questions slowly but follows Korra out nonetheless.

'You're riding Naga.' Korra smirks softly as they walk out of the house, closing the door quietly behind them as they walk towards the tree the polar bear dog has taken to sleeping under.

'Has anyone who isn't you ever rode her?'

'She likes you, Vira, and she knows to behave.'

'Didn't you just tell Baatar she needed a harness?'

'The harness will make it easier to control her, or make room for more than one person. By yourself, you'll be fine.'

'If you're sure…' Kuvira mumbles as Korra wakes the beast, who lumbers to a standing position looking between Korra and Kuvira.

'Hey girl, you up for a race?' Korra asks giving her a few pets, Naga responds licking the Avatar in the face, 'Okay,' Korra laughs, 'Is it okay if Kuvira here rides you?' She asks, more for the metalbender than the polar bear dog, she's sure Naga won't mind. And sure enough, her spirit guide lumbers towards the older girl, giving her a lick before lying down in front of her house.

'Okay,' Kuvira nods carefully getting on the animal, Korra guiding her hands where to rest.

'You good?' Korra asks with a smile.

'Yeah,' Kuvira nods.

'Kay, ask her to get up.' Korra says taking a small step back.

'Up, Naga.' Kuvira orders, Naga stands and Korra steps forward, grabbing Kuvira's ankle.

'You steady?' She asks.

'Yes,' Kuvira offers with a smile and a small laugh.

'Okay, remember to hold on, if she gets going too fast, ask her to slow down, Naga, be gentle.' Korra responds letting Kuvira go, 'Anyway, once around the dome, first one back here, wins.'

'You think you can beat Naga?' Kuvira laughs.

Korra shrugs, 'Try me.'

'Okay, one.'


'Go!' Korra yells, taking off.

'Let's go, Naga.' Kuvira says, holding tight to the polar bear dog as she starts at a jog after her master.


'How the heck did you stay so close?' Kuvira asks with a laugh as Korra comes in maybe four yards behind her and Naga.

'Lots of training.' Korra responds catching her breath as Kuvira slips off Naga who lies back down under the tree, only for Korra to lay down, using her guide as a pillow, looking up domeward, 'Hey, you good?' Korra asks softly as Kuvira drops down by her, 'After earlier…'

'I'm sorry, I shouldn't've told you that.' Kuvira mutters, 'Hell, it's been six years, it shouldn't affect me like that.'

'I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me that.' Korra responds 'Do you still want to learn meditation?'

'You want to try again after that breakdown.' Kuvira asks with a bitter smile, wiping at the remaining tear tracks on her face

'Eh, it's not usually that quick but it happens often enough, especially when dealing with chakras. You don't really know where your mind is going to take you.'

'Okay, chakras?' Kuvira raises an eyebrow.

'Seven pools of chi in the body. They're all blocked by something, I have to open them, the White Lotus would prefer in order, to master the Avatar State.'

'Can't you already do that?'

'If I'm in danger, or angry yeah, but I'm not in control, and that can do damage, lots of damage.'

'What happens if someone who's not the avatar unlocks their chakras?'

'Then, in theory they're supposed to become great benders, but not all great benders unlock all their chakras.'

'Can we try?'

'You sure?' Korra asks feeling comfortable resting against the living heater that is Naga.

'I want to be over this shit.' Kuvira nods.

'Okay, let's wait a few days, then you'll need to learn to meditate for a while before we start that,' Korra responds curling further into the white fur.

'Mhh, don't fall asleep, I'm not dragging you back into the house.' Kuvira mutters only for Korra to groan.

'Shh, it's fine, just closing my eyes and imagining the stars.' Korra responds patting Kuvira's shoulder

'Fine, twenty minutes, then back in the house.' Kuvira agrees closing her own eyes.

Korra hears the metalbender's breath even out before her own does.

There turned out to be a really big hitch in Korra's plan to see the country. Money was important. Private youtube videos without permission. It bought food. All of these things were important to living the life.Her dad had offered to give her some money, but she'd wanted to rely on her own wits and means. She'd finally relented when she'd realized that she'd still need gas just to get anywhere, and she could afford little camps between towns. She just preffered to camp out in the woods in the little shelter she pulled behind her motorcycle.But camping out in the woods didn't work in a big city like Republic City, and all of the cheap hotels were sold out for some kind of convention.

Korra looked down at her phone and the text conversation she'd had with Jinora.It wasn't a bad idea, just one that made her a little nervous.Live a little Jinora texted her, seeming to guess that Korra needed that last nudge.' She slipped the phone into her pocket and started her bike. 'Okay lets do this.' The club was loud, louder than Asami typically liked but Jia was the kind of woman who could be really convincing and now that the semester was over, Asami was willing to let loose and have a good time. Even if it meant watching her ex make out with the air nation girl from her physics class. They were still friends but that was just obnoxious. She rolled her eyes, and made a bee-line for the bar.

In the process, she bumped into someone. I’m sorry.”She smiled sheepishly as the woman turned around. “ Are you okay?” Any words after that died before they left her mouth.

The water-tribe woman she’d bumped into had the most stunning blue eyes, and a grin that lit up the dark club.“It’s okay, I’m fine.” Korra tucked some hair behind her ear, grinning stupidly at the gorgeous woman in an elegant and sexy red dress. Her plan had been to go home with someone so she had a place to sleep (and have a little fun, naturally) but she couldn’t take her eyes off of her. She realized she’d sleep in a park if she couldn’t go home with her because no one else could compare.Asami’s mouth was dry.

She gestured towards the bar. Let me buy you a drink.”Korra leaned in, “Sure. Staring at you is making me thirsty.” She winked, then headed towards the bar leaving Asami speechless and red faced.Korra was the thirsty one? Asami felt like she’d just crawled out of the desert and Korra was a nice crisp lake.

She glanced back at her friend, saw that Jia was still engrossed in her new dance partner, then squared her shoulders and followed Korra.“What do you want?” She asked, sliding onto a stool next to Korra. She leaned forward, tossing her hair and giving Korra a knowing smile.The rest of the night went by in a blur. Asami pulled Korra onto the dance floor and quickly lost track of the rest of the world. The way Korra moved against her was maddening, but she quickly realized she was having the same effect on the other woman.And Korra was loving it. Asami was a good dancer, with a beautiful laugh and a cool veneer that cracked and fell away as the night wore on. When they finally stumbled out of the club and into a waiting cab, Korra didn’t know who’s idea it had been; but Asami’s hand slid up her thigh and all seemed right with the world.Asami’s apartment was a mess. Diagrams and blueprints were on every surface, and she hadn’t had the forethought to clean up the piles of take-out on the counter.

Korra barely noticed any of it. She finally had her lips on Asami’s, her fingers expertly peeling that dress off of her body while Asami’s hands tried to worship well-defined muscles and every inch of skin they could reach.When the heat of the moment had passed, and Asami lay with her head pillowed on Korra’s breast as they both tried to regain their senses, Korra felt a strange pain in her chest at the thought of leaving in the morning. That pain only grew worse as they talked through the night.

A few times, hands would wander and the heat between them would stoke back to an inferno, but mostly they shared stories and talked about themselves.“Do you have plans next week?” Asami asked the next morning. She hid her expression behind a mug of coffee as she watched Korra shovel eggs into her mouth.“Uhm.” Korra stopped mid shovel, then swallowed hard. “I plan to be in Zaofu by then. I’ve been traveling.”“Oh.” Asami lowered her eyes.“I’ll come back,” Korra promised.

“I really like you, Asami.” It had been only one (wonderful) night, but damn, she was already feeling attached.“That a promise?” She tried not to sound too hopeful, but she was enthralled already.Korra laughed, getting up and moving around the table. She settled on Asami’s lap, and played with her hair. Its not like I’ll be gone three years or anything.”“When are you leaving?” Asami rested her face against Korra’s throat.She looked around stroking Asami’s hair. “When are your classes?”“Monday.”“Then I’ll leave then.”Asami leaned back and smirked. “You’re assuming you’ll be able to walk.”“Challenge accepted.”.